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Identity Crisis

October 3, 2018
Sitting on a stranger's garden wall Almost having had enough of it all When it came to me that I was me again That I was allowed to be free again For the first time since the start of secondary school.   I stood out for not fitting in Into some narrow sphere of perceived…
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Recent Entries

  • Crusoe
    July 6, 2018
    Travelled so far just to stand still Or worse, regress 20/20 in hindsight With fortitude, so much less Ignoring the elephant for decades Until there wasn't room enough to do so No man is an island Not even Crusoe Faced down the fears They faced me back And said 'if that's all you've got Then…
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  • The Dark, Stark Light Of Night
    February 7, 2018
    I'll sit in darkness The room lit by the flashing light of the phone Don't want to play the voicemail Don't want to hear your dialling tone   And the cars drive by outside The whistle of air as they speed past The spotlights of the headlights Interrogate the pavements as they pass.   It...
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  • Swimmingly
    February 7, 2018
    I'm not much of an athlete But right now I feel that I can run and run and not stop At such speed, away from all the stresses That my blood will rush and my ears will pop   I would like to run to the sea Dive right in and swim away Until the…
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  • In Peaces
    September 20, 2013
    You don’t need to be a hippy to advocate peace You just have to be human You don’t have to be left wing or liberal To want everyone to just get on It doesn’t matter of what faith you are We all bleed the same And there’s been quite enough of that shed In all…
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  • Spirit
    September 20, 2013
    If I could bottle your spirit Then gin would have some competition They’d be speaking freely in the speakeasies During the era of prohibition You go out dancing And come back turning heads With 100 plucky suitors Offering you their bed I wonder if you know Quite the effect you have That you rende...
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  • First Sight Of New Land
    September 20, 2013
    I’ve never been this far before I’m struggling to take it all in Never in my wildest dreams did I think That I’d be here when I woke up this morning We’re covering new ground Walk with me and take my hand Two explorers exploring Looking for the first sight of new land Suddenly this…
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  • The Sun In Miniature
    September 20, 2013
    I love the sense of ending It’s the only reason why I start To get to the finish line To be torn asunder and apart But the feeling of loss Like losing a coin toss Is like losing a heart I heard the summer wind howl As if it was growing cold As if Autumn…
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  • Be Yours
    September 20, 2013
    You were right I was happy that time But I didn’t realise That the blue skies Were blue I was wrong Thought I was unhappy But now I realise That the skies Were blue Until I met you The skies were grey And everything you say Is a beam of sunlight A solar ray Bursting…
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  • Man Up And Be A Woman
    September 20, 2013
    There is a shade of black for you And it seems to have you consumed Why don’t you step into the light Where everything is beautiful and bright? Casting roles in your tragicomedy Oblivious to the accidental dramedy The spittle flecked choke Regurgitating at the back of your throat You are your own...
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