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October 9, 2001
Sado masachism. This is an interesting topic. And one I think I'm qualified to make judgement on.I'm not really a sadist. I say I am, but I don't really think like one. Au contraire, I'd like it if everyone could be happy with their lives, and feel what they needed to, without ever becoming bitte...
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Recent Entries

  • Small Thoughts
    October 9, 2001
    Does it not upset anyone that the US bombed their own people by accident?I tried to say that innocents would get hurt. I guess it had to happen. Better now then later eh? Having said that, Better not at all.Today I slept in. I was dreaming about how it must feel to be in the…
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  • A couple more to end the day on
    October 9, 2001
    I thought I wasn't going to post a lot of my poems up at once. I didn't want to bore people. But I'm here, and I want to, so tough. You must live with my insipid rambling.. Hahahahahhahahhaha!!!!! Ahem.This is just a small piece. I can't even remember why I wrote it.THE WEBSoul spinning,web makin...
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  • My first ever piece
    October 8, 2001
    The following attempt at a song was written when I was but a slip of a lad. The lad in question being my father, and the slip being me. It's about Death, both the act, and the person. I wrote it age 14, and although it's crap, I post it here, to show how far…
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  • Contrast
    October 8, 2001
    These are two of my favourite poems that I've written. They are something of a contrast to my other pieces. I hope you like these because I do.THE DREAMING ROOMA room of sweet dreams in black and white,bright darkness clash with mediocrity,staring, lifeless, unvarnished eyes,staring at what only ...
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  • Being nice
    October 8, 2001
    People said I was nice last night. Something of a revelation I feel.I'm not used to being nice. People generally look on me as nasty. And, as a general rule, I agree with them. I am. God knows I try hard enough to be.And yet, why is it good, then, that they called me nice?…
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  • When, and how, to apologise?
    October 7, 2001
    Well, I have been rambling at America recently. And now I'm not allowed to anymore.Why? Because us Britons are now as bad. I am, of course, referring to the war, which we have just launched on the "terrorists" but more, on their entire country.How bastardish are we? Yes, you blow up our stock exc...
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  • More rambling for today
    October 7, 2001
    WEll, the library sucks.That's a fairly diverse statement. But it sucks in a fairly diverse way so that's alright.I'm sitting here looking. And the thoughts of "it" won't leave me alone. What "it" is will probably become clear to you, and me, if I ramble long enough."It" is the way I feel. About ...
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  • Weird Diary… day 2? Self description
    October 3, 2001
    Or is it?Perhaps it's day three and I just haven't noticed. Erm, yeah.So This is taking place in a northern library and is going to me my describe self article before I start posting my poetry up here. Fun huh?I am 20, at the time of this post being written, and am at University, somewhere…
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  • My first piece.
    October 2, 2001
    "The man who invented the total perspective vortex did so, basically, to annoy his wife."I'm writing this, as a way of sending stuff for random people who are not me to read, and tell me who they think I am. Please feel free to insult me, or agree with me, because I'm not going to…
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