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Where I’m writing now

February 25, 2009
those of you who ever want to peek in, I'm writing over on my blog: I'm still alive, still kicking, The blog is more political and economically oriented, with some other things thrown in I tend to do the majority of the writing on the blog, but there are contributi...
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Recent Entries

  • The Birthday Massacre
    February 17, 2008
    They are spectacular. Simply spectacular."Red Stars" From: Walking with Strangers (2007) Best of cruel intentions Finding what they fail to mention No truth, all pretension Raise your hand to get attention You give and we take it You build it, we break it You sign and we erase it You fe...
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  • Still Alive :-p
    June 10, 2007
    Yeah, I should update more.I won't, but I should.lets see: I'm still working and earning money.I have to go to the doctor and will be wearing a heart monitor for the next week after my heart rate started dropping into the 30s when I would lie down to sleep.I've reformed my band(!) and we're start...
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  • Writing on here? OMGWTFBBQ!!11!1OneEleventyEleven
    April 3, 2007
    Yeah, I figure if I write here from time to time people might actually write back. Well... Maybe. Not that I check here terribly often, which is a shame, considering how many years I have been here. But such is life. I bought a Playstation 2 a couple of months ago. No particular reason, It's…
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  • What Can I say
    January 16, 2007
    Chicks dig the frock man...:) Sorry was reading Van Helsing in 15 minutes again just for the kicks and giggles, I'm Alive, Working and in general trying to take care of myself. Actually I'm sick with a sinus cold but it could be worse. Just posting so People won't think I fell of the edge…
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  • You’d think I’d be used to it
    October 23, 2006
    Pain, emotional, mental, physical, I'm tired of feeling that somehow I've screwed myself up. Even as I have a good job, even as I'm slowly getting my debts paid down. was in the hospital Last Saturday (the 14th) because my heart went a bit wacky. making achingly slow progress on my book. almost d...
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  • Wanna help me out?
    July 15, 2006
    Join the website I'mw working on and give me feedback.what features you want to see, what features you want us to addwe're still in a closed beta. but sign up is free and wearen't going to share your information with anyone.www.apbctr.comwe have profiles, journals, forums, a message system, plusa...
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  • Nothing to see, move along
    June 20, 2006
    "Mint Julips and Needles don't add up to wisdom"Yeah, I'm not really in a mood to rant still. But I just saw Amy off. we did suprisingly well for 2 weeks straight around each other. In fact, I'd call it spectacularly well. I had an amazing and fun time and I wouldn't have changed much,&...
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  • Yeah Yeah
    June 15, 2006
    I had a birthday.Amy's staying with me for the week :)I'm looking for a job in Atlanta:)and I had fun playing in the ocean during Alberto.What more is there?
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  • Atreyu – A death-grip on Yesterday
    May 14, 2006
    Well, I suppose I should review the durned thing if I'm going to buy it. For those of you in the know, This is Atreyu's third release ("Suicide Notes and butterfly Kisses", then "The Curse" are the first two). This album feels like a continuation of "The Curse". Simi...
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