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First of the Lasts

August 15, 2013
Today was my last day at the title agency.  For some reason, its making it all very real.  Its been the last big hurdle I've had to vault before really believing its happening.  I'm moving back to New York.  I have a boyfriend there.  I'll be in New York again. I'm excite...
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Recent Entries

  • Leo’s Wisdom
    August 9, 2013
    I'm concerned with the faltering steps of this website.  So I did start another diary on Prosebox under the same name.  Hopefully I'll never need it and this place will continue to exist. Anyways... be prepared for huge exaggerations in this entry.  I'm tired and stretched too thin...
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  • stay awake through summer like we own the heat
    July 7, 2013
    This is an email I wrote to my friend Laura about Manny.  Rather than rewrite it all, I'm just posting the letter, along with some things I'm not telling Laura.   THE LETTER So Manny and your brother (David) are going to lunch today and I have no words for how grateful I am that…
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  • specially selected news
    June 30, 2013
    I have friends all over the world.  I have friends who have traveled and shared their adventures with me.  And I have this strange thing about caring too much. I'm getting incredibly fed up with my Facebook friends and their... lack of awareness to the outside world.  DOMA was stru...
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  • Snowden & Manning
    June 9, 2013
    This is something I want to say and can expound on later, although I'm not sure anyone will really care here.  I'm not entirely sold on whether or not Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning did the right thing.  I'm not sold on the idea that they did they wrong thing either.  Thats not...
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  • and some days i can’t even trust myself
    June 4, 2013
    I promise a gushy, picture laden, happy-go-lucky entry about Oregon and Manny and all the loveliness that is my life at this moment. However, this is not that entry. I'm depressed and anxious and worried.  I don't know exactly what has triggered me this time, but its happening.  I'm to ...
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  • Teaser
    May 22, 2013
    He's keeps saying things to his co-workers and friends like "I can't believe my girlfriend picked the best hotel in Portland" and "I told Matt that my girlfriend would be calling" and "My girlfriend and I went here and here in Portland" and "My girlfriend drove ...
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  • Nervous/Excited
    May 15, 2013
    It's 2 am and I'm fairly awake.  Moreso than I'd like to be.  I'm both excited and nervous for this weekend, incredibly so on both.  Which means I'm randomly shifting back and forth from one to the other.  As if the ground was rocking beneath my feet as it is.  I'm not us...
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  • Manny Story
    April 30, 2013
     The problem with updating my diary at work is that I never really get around to updating life events as properly as I'd like.  For example, the situation with Manny.  I alluded to what happened between us a few entries ago, but never got into it.  And its progressed rapidly w...
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  • things didn’t kill me but i don’t feel stronger
    April 28, 2013
     I kind of hate everyone and everything today.  For no particular reason.  There's something shifting in me and I don't like it.  This is crazy/dangerous part of bipolarism.  I can see the ticks and warning signs, but I'm not sure what they are warning.  I'm not sure...
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