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And Here I Find Myself

July 7, 2024
The last time I wrote in here, it was 2010. Now, it's 2024 and so much has happened over the last fourteen years. I had forgotten all about this diary, how it used to be a safe space for me when I didn't have many of those. I still don't. I skimmed through some of…
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Recent Entries

  • I’m Back!! :)
    February 10, 2010
    Hey everyone. I've been MIA for a long time, I think it's been about a year and a half since I last updated this thing. Actually I thought it would have been deleted by now, so I'm glad it hasn't been. The last time I wrote on here, I was still angry over a bad breakup with…
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  • My 8 Month Update
    August 20, 2008
    Well I just realized how long it's been since I wrote in my diary. I just finished checking some comments I've recieved during my hiatus and I'm quite irritated. Some jerk wrote something asking if my dad abused me when I was younger, and that actually made me pretty mad. No, I haven't been abuse...
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  • At The Crossroads
    January 22, 2008
    Thank you to all of you who've left me comments during this hard time. Jay and I did officially break up last night. Too bad it had to be over Facebook, I would have much rather it was face to face but either way, it saved me money. Now I can take back that bus…
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  • It’s Too Late to Apologize
    January 20, 2008
    "Apologize" by Timbaland (feat One Republic)....that's the only song I've been listening to steadily for days. It completely puts my heart and feelings into words.  ***********************  My mom talked some real sense into me today. I was going to go to Edmonton next weekend...
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  • 1/18/08
    January 17, 2008
    I'm pretty sure that Jay and I are in the process of breaking up. Things have been weird since I got back from seeing him 2 1/2 weeks ago, which caused my anxiety attack before. I've had the worst feeling ever since I came home that I just had to go back and see him.…
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  • Jay
    January 5, 2008
    At the beginning of October, a man messaged me on plentyoffish, a free dating site I like to use when I'm single. We talked a bit, but I always figure that it will never go anywhere and after a few messages, the conversations typically just die. But not with this guy. We live in different…
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  • Things I Need to Tell Myself
    January 5, 2008
    Jay is NOT Aidan. Jay is NOT Chris. Jay is a good guy. I have the RIGHT to be happy. I have the RIGHT to be free of anxiety and fear. I have the RIGHT to have a happy relationship. Put faith in my relationship with Jay. Take it slow. If it doesn't work out…
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  • My Friend Jodi
    November 7, 2007
    On Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007... my friend Jodi commited suicide. She jumped off the Peterson Creek Bridge and fell 91 feet to her death. We knew each other for many years, since we were kids. She was always the bright, sunny, smiling girl with a great sense of humor, the girl who you could alw...
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  • 9/13/07
    September 12, 2007
    I've been so busy lately I completely forgot about writing in my diary. There's been so much going on, and yet nothing really worth writing about. I've been working lots at the seniors place. There's a lot of bullshit going on there, but I guess that's what happens when you work with women. There...
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