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October 26, 2013
I'm writing the same entry 99% of OD users are writing. I'm on Prosebox now. Same name. It hurts, very badly, but the pain is relieved by the fact that PB is pretty rad, fast, easy to use. I was not a believer until I joined. So.... Sadly, I bid you adieu.
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Recent Entries

  • Pain in the ass.
    October 23, 2013
    Last week, the day after I cried during a meeting with my boss, he told me that I would begin getting $50 per month towards a gym membership. I should cry more often. But seriously, I'm stoked. I immediately signed up for my favorite gym in Seattle which is just 3 blocks from my office…
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  • birthday
    October 21, 2013
    It was Paco's birthday yesterday. I threw a party for him (read: picked his favorite bar and invited people) and it was a great turnout and great times. Paco got drunk really fast and we left the party probably at the height of it. But so it goes when people keep buying you shots. That was&h...
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  • One week.
    October 13, 2013
    What a difference a week makes. Last Monday, I was frolicking on a white sandy beach with the love of my life, drinking margaritas, having great sex, talking to the locals en español, eating fresh fish tacos. This Monday, I have a to-do list 2 pages long, my boss told me that bec...
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  • books and adios
    October 3, 2013
    Book recommendation: Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan (yes, Cahalan, not Callahan).   It's so fucking good I can hardly put it down.   In other news. MEXICO IS HAPPENING TOMORROW OMG
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  • Tator Tot
    September 30, 2013
    Week 2 of crazy diet-ness. Over the weekend I cheated with the following meals: Friday: Had Phad Thai for dinner. OMG. So good. Saturday: Had vegetarian egg rolls and vegetarian pho for dinner. OMG. So good. (I think there's a pattern here.) Sunday: Had an olive roll (BREAD)&n...
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  • fucking awesome
    September 25, 2013
    Yesterday, Paco called me when he got off work at 6pm. He works the shittiest hours... I can't imagine working from 7:45am to 6pm. Especially since I have one of the most relaxed jobs in the world and my boss is gone 60% of the time. Anyway. He called and was like, so what do you want&h...
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  • Why the face *hangover edit
    September 23, 2013
    iPhone entry what what I'm drunk. On my detox. That is how well that's going in case you were wondering which I know you weren't. The food has been fine but I needed beer tonight. I walked home and got a text "are you still down to have dinner and drinks with National Geographic tonight?&hel...
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  • PS
    September 22, 2013
    Detox: Day 1 @#%#$@$ That's how I feel so far. Breakfast 10am: almond milk and blueberry smoothie snack: almonds, delicious, delicious almonds lunch: 12:30pm (I waited as long as I could) salad of mixed greens, carrots, cucumber, red onion and the best salad dre...
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  • Mooses
    September 19, 2013
    On Wednesday, I went to a hip hop show at The Crocodile with Paco, Dave, Chad and Courtney. In case you were wondering, just because you're having vodka sodas in a tall glass (logic: more water, takes longer to drink) does not mean you will escape a hangover. It was a great time and we ...
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