I have decided to return. I want to read Bear70's blog. I am worried about him. But I am a junior senior (50 this July) (and that feels weird calling myself that lol) I will sub at the end of the week if not sooner.

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The Prodigy – Breathe

June 29, 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmHDhAohJlQ So, yesterday I went out with my girls (Bees and Julz for those new to my blog) to Tim Horton's to try their new flatbread pizza. It was nice but very dry. I tried both the bacon and cheese kinds. The bacon was very yummy... it had an alfredo sauce inst...
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Recent Entries

  • Hair
    June 27, 2024
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  • What the actual fuck?
    June 24, 2024
    Says on my profile, that I’m 50, not yet OD! July man… July ffs. Haven't been on here, in awhile bc stupid me forgot the email address associated with my account lol… I remembered though. Changed it to my current address. How have y’all been? I am okay I guess. As @drama would say, what’s…
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  • Josh Groban – Don’t Give Up
    June 9, 2024
    https://listen.esound.app/track/NzE3NTUyLDA I love this song. Josh is a grand singer. This is probably one of my theme songs to my life. (The other is Tubthumping by Chumbawumba heh)  It is the end of another great weekend… I have to go to Dr. Bridge’s bc one of my beloved cats eyes glasses are b...
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  • The Ketchup Song
    June 9, 2024
    https://listen.esound.app/track/NjM2NDMxNTQsMA I have this song in my head atm. 😂 It’s a great tune though an ear worm. More later mmkay? Sammy
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  • Why hello 👋
    June 7, 2024
    So, I’m on my iPad (big surprise there 😊) and listening to Nicki Minaj. https://open.spotify.com/track/3yRtXEeuM5UbaWYi0dkqO0?si=8GUMYdWdT8SgSpQyCWQXqA I’m just your not so average punk obsessed rave kitten. lol 😂 Today was a good day. Rainy but nice. I didn’t get my Temu order yet, give it time....
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  • What the actual fuck?
    June 6, 2024
    I don’t have much to say except, well, not much lol 😂 I suck at journaling… today was a relatively quiet day. Tomorrow I have my bath 🛀 I might go see Phyllis at the hospital but I might not either cos of COVID being rampant in our local hospital. I might just watch horror…
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  • No more sweltering in this heat!!
    June 4, 2024
    As of tomorrow, our AC is going to be fixed!! YES!! So, by the time that we get back from New D, it will be ready. DOUBLE YES!! I could never ever live in FLA or any other hot place (as much as New Orleans beckons!) like Sean @ashestoashes or GypsyWynd @gypsywynd do. :o The…
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  • Happy Birthday to Strawberry Jelly!!
    June 4, 2024
    Happy birthday 🥳 🎉🎂 to @strawberryjelly!! She is 50.. something I will have in common with her soon. Speaking of, I’m getting myself a haircut for my birthday bc a) it’s getting too long and b) I want a cute twenties bob. And I’m going out to Econo’s Pizzeria & Diner for a calzone and…
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  • Circus Kane (a GREAT movie!!)
    June 3, 2024
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6z534f-Oos Last Saturday, I watched this. I was blown away by the sheer gore-fest that it is. I had to finish it Sunday morning, cos my psych meds kicked in. Heh... but if you are like me; and you live for this stuff, well... put it on, set back, make some p0pcorn...
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