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The older couple

March 9, 2007
Hmm, I kinda built the suspense there a bit at the end of the last entry, didn't I... I'm sorry to say it's a bit of an anti-climax (pun intended) with story of meeting with the older couple.It was 4 days after the night at the swingers club and Sean and I went over to…
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Recent Entries

  • swinging
    March 4, 2007
    The second person I met from the aforementioned online adult dating site was Sean. He lured me in with unassuming, casual witty banter. There was no sleazy undertones or desperation in his manner, unlike so many of the other responses I'd recieved. It was easy to go along with him, and I met him ...
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  • My Saturday night
    February 10, 2007
    It has to be said that the most fun nights out on the town are the ones you don't plan. Whenever I go out with the intention of having one or two drinks and a chat with my friends, somehow the night gets turned into a late night adventure filled with booze and boys. Saturday…
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  • The dreaded test results
    February 7, 2007
    I've had some 'abnormalities' with my menstrual cycle recently. Bleeding when I'm not supposed to, and for too long.. so I went to the Doctor on Monday to get it checked out, and she did an STD check. Good news is, I don't have HIV! Yaay! Bad news is, I have Chylamidia. Uuuhh. It's not…
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  • My first one night stand
    February 6, 2007
    They say alcohol brings out your true self - you lose inhibitions and do and say exactly what you feel. For me, alcohol makes me feel very sexy. A few drinks will have me making lewd remarks, touching people and making suggestive gestures. One time during a very normal conversation with a male fr...
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  • Mark
    February 5, 2007
    In early December last year I signed up to AMM on a whim (an online "adult" dating site). I had found myself alone in the house for a week as my room mates had gone away, and I thought "Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to call on just to come over and hang…
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  • The point
    February 4, 2007
    It's nice to be able to get things off your chest. Especially when you live in a world where men are applauded for owning and exploring their sexual identities, and women are condemned for it. If I were to tell my friends any of the stories that I'll spill on here, they would be shocked…
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  • The beginning
    February 4, 2007
    I think I was always a pretty sexually aware kid.I remember finding porn somwhere in our house when I was probably about 4 or 5 years old. I took it into the bathroom and sat on the toilet, poring over these pages of people engaged in sexually explicit actions and tried to figure out what…
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