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  • 09/02/2011
    September 1, 2011
    I honestly cannot believe I still have this. I feel nostalgic.
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  • leaving odland.
    September 5, 2007
    I think I'm going to focus entirely on my livejournal (which I don't really focus on anyway anymore) instead of here. This website won't let me stay logged in and everytime I visit to sign in, I get adware on my computer and it's driving me crazy. And you know ... I don't know. I…
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  • i want to finish them tomorrow
    September 2, 2007
    MY WEST WING FICS ARE DUE WEDNESDAY NEAR MIDNIGHT IF I WANT TO WRITE TOBY AND SAM SLASHY FIC FOR TWW_MINIS ROUND! So! Here's what I'm doing! Leave me a comment telling me to write both Leo and Will! I will not check my mail until I am done with classes for the day; leave…
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  • late night ramlbe
    August 9, 2007
    I had a strange dream last night. Er, just now. Er, when I collapsed at nine and woke up now. More like a subconscious rambling that had to make itself heard. I get crazy dreamy things when I'm mad at people. I don't know why that's my mind's way of calming me down, but it…
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  • this post brought to you by:
    August 7, 2007
    The letter I, for Insanity; or, my sister packs for college. about her touchlight Sarah: This is the most awesome thing ever! Me: I'm the most awesome thing ever! Sarah: You and my touchy light should talk sometime! later ... Me: Oh, there's a dollar! Can I have it! Sarah: ... (in a very 'No,&hel...
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  • anatomy of a soul
    August 2, 2007
    Before I leave for college I will be signing a power of attorney. For me, the choices will be easy, what do I want done with my body in the even I am incapacitated and cannot make that choice? How do I want my soul sliced up? I don't believe in the notion of a…
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  • work and play
    July 30, 2007
    Following 's theme of etiquette, I offer you a story. And a lesson. Lesson first: Always apologise to your boss. Even if you were cranky and just in a bad mood. Apologise anyway. Ok, story time! Once upon a time, there was a full-time worker at KrappyMart named Atticus. Atticus was a good worker ...
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  • yes, this is about deathly hallows, why do you ask
    July 20, 2007
    Spoilers; lots of them. I should mention that this was my second reading; I read the pirated copy Tuesday. Reactions on first reading ... written Tuesday Initial reaction was intense hatred for JKR. Yes, I'm mad. It's not a bloodbath, really (well, compared to OoTP it's a MAJOR bloodbath, but in ...
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  • i am going shopping today
    July 17, 2007
    and writing a letter and calling financial aid and shopping for groceries and registering for another class and making sure leah got back to me all of this after i sleep. thank you for listening.
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