I'm the girl you stare at on the bus....but not in the good way.

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Made in secret

May 19, 2013
It has been a long time.  I used to write as often and as honestly as I could, but after I wrote about my abortion I decided to stop because the notes were overwhelmingly rude and ignorant (and anonymous).  So I went out and lived and kept it all to myself.  I'm getting married nex...
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Recent Entries

  • triggers and strategies
    December 26, 2011
    I had a flash back to a sexual assault I...whats the word?  experienced?  No.  Fuck my brain is fried its too late.  How about endured.  I endured as a child tonight.  It happens sometimes.  This particular flashback was one of the least unpleasant ones Ive ever...
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  • just part of the 5000 question survey
    December 18, 2011
    2901. Do you answer the phone when it rings or do you check to see who is calling first? My phone doesn't ever ring :P   2902. Bewitched or I Dream of Jeanie? I dream of jeanie-better clothes.   2903. When will you be able to just do what you want to? when Im asleep.…
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  • 52 Thank you notes: Note #1
    March 5, 2011
    So this is a great idea and I think it will help me focus on positive things instead of negative things!   Thank you #1: Thank you to all my friends who have been with me when I spiralled into depression after a breakup.  Breakups can be especially dangerous for people who are bipolar.&...
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  • I need to stop ranting….someday.
    March 5, 2011
    2011 is proving so far to be a much better year than last.  2010: Abortion, moldy apartment, near breakdown from working too much, and Em getting date raped and taking it out on me because I offered to go to councilling with her (thus implying that she should have councilling).  2011: l...
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  • I’m horrible, but at least Im not a horrible mom!
    December 6, 2010
    Sorry I didn't keep you posted on the abortion like I promised.  Im writing an article for a magazine on my experiences and Ive been super busy.  Once I get the article together in rough I'll post it up. Predeictably I took some slack from an ODer because I *gasp* wrote something in my ...
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  • adventures in secret barfing
    August 10, 2010
    This morning marks my first ever morning-sickness barf.  It had to happen the morning I had to work early.  There isn't a washroom in the college library so I had to run down the hall, down the stairs, and down another hall.  I just barely made it.  And of course I couldn...
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  • buying the t-shirt
    August 8, 2010
    Well my loves, This time I am not fat, bitchy, and sick.  I'm pregnant.  Capital UH capital OH.  And I will be chronicalling the events leading up to the purchase of my "ask me about my abortion" t-shirt, no doubt including the actual abortion which is over a week aw...
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  • an asexual evening with an old friend
    May 25, 2010
    So I got a text from a random number I didn't have in my phone.  I thought it was one of my burlesque babes and I texted back an enthusiastic "you're hanging out with me on saturday after work or else" and I said something vibrator related....then i received a mysterious "heh ...
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  • 21 fragments of a ravenous holiday
    May 18, 2010
    I should prolly write about my vacation shouldn't I?  Especially considering it is the only non-library event that will likely crop up in 2010.  I don't think you've been properly introduced to my vacation plans.  Reader, meet my vacation.  My vacation is actually a birthday g...
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