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Chapter 3

May 15, 2022
Meeting someone was the very last thing on my mind. I was less than 2 months separated from my husband. And dealing with a little complicated side situation so really I just wanted to hang out with my friends and go home. But you know, the universe or God, has a real funny way of…
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  • Chapter 2
    May 15, 2022
    Lonely is a complicated word. You could be absolutely surrounded by people at work, or at home and still feel so disconnected. And that's how I felt. I felt disconnected from my husband. I decided if we couldn't connect on a healthy level then I'm going to find someone to connect with. I was very...
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  • Chapter 1
    May 15, 2022
    The story I will be sharing is one filled with shame and regret. It's also a story of love and sacrifice. This is my story, a tale of events that have transpired woefully, in and out of my favor for the last 3 years. Summer of 2019. I was accepted into a nursing program. Well,…
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