I was born in the S.F. Bay Area. I've lived and traveled all over the world. I'm a traditional artist. I have a passion for music, it's an integral part of all life. I am especially attuned to Hz and Frequency music/songs/vibrations/beats.
I have dreams and visions of other people, especially when emotions are extreme, like at the moment of death, and/or when fear is at it's strongest.
These people and animals send out images with frequency and/or sounds that they need, I can see what they are seeing in that intense moment. I draw the images I see/hear/sense/feel. I have no musical talent but can find the exact sounds to play for these passing beings, to send them back to source.
They ascend up a spiral of light, these people and sometimes animals slowly rise up it with the proper Hz music. The colors are intense, each individual has different vibrations/colors.
I don't see everybody, just some.
I can't explain why.
I always have a overwhelming need to help these lost/confused/fearful souls (embodiments, personifications, essences?),
I'm an ordinary woman, the girl picking out veggies at the local shops.
I get intense cravings for chocolate after every experience like this.
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Male Artichoke
July 2, 2022
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Untrusting Artichoke
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Insightful Artichoke
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