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December 17, 2020
I’m tired. We’ve been dancing for a while Around this topic Where I’m heartsick for your smile You told him ‘I do‘ I told her I’d never; But how could dying things think through what lasts for forever? We were so youthful, and useless. Bright eyed and ruthless. Happy, and empty, and dumb. I love&...
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Recent Entries

  • Ophelia
    March 3, 2020
    Bury me in rue. For the sleepless nights I danced with you; All twists, and turns, and shouting, too. For the way you kissed me right on cue. For the quiet places we withdrew; To sing, to talk. To laugh, to fraught. To shave a moment off the clock. To steal away our tired flock…
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  • Inexorable Tomorrow
    March 2, 2020
    10/31/19 I hate to be the one to burst your bubble. I shot for the moon, and landed in rubble. Those motivational posters weren’t worth the trouble. Or maybe they should have sent someone with stubble. 11/01 That old November feeling The cold one where there’s no Thanksgiving. Because you shoot f...
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  • Little Blue Omens
    March 1, 2020
    10/30/19 I dressed you in forget me nots one hundred thousand wished me luck. You stripped them naked, pluck by pluck, two hundred thousand love-me-nots. I should have counted, should have thought. An odder number still would rot. But just as many loved me, too. I wish you’d missed a count (not t...
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  • Poptarts and Tragedy
    March 1, 2020
    10/28/19 Sitting by the dim lamp You know the one it hurts your eyes It’s freezing out but the fan’s on White noise helps drown black thoughts at night Pop tarts and pilsner and a scratch on my tongue A breakfast of champions of sham-pions of chumps And I did I loved Ophelia But forty…
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  • Vegas
    March 1, 2020
    10/19/19 I’ve been getting calls from the Deparment of Justice. Finally - I’m wanted. Is it justice or fraud, though? I don’t really know. Don’t call it tax evasion - Tax procrastination, rather. I’ve never really made enough to really know I owe. So maybe we can run away? We’ve always done it an...
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  • Ghosts
    March 1, 2020
    10/19/19 You’re writing for ghosts of the friends you invented All dancing around in a brain so demented They wait around hanging on every last word Convinced that your thoughts are the best in the world But the faces you based all these grovelling ghosts on - They’re starting to catch on.
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  • Weekend Woes
    March 1, 2020
    10/05/19 A heart on a string Is it a noose or a ring? And it’s a hell of a thing to make me choose === 10/06 The city’s below me the sun’s in my face. Gravity’s dragging me back to this place. The trees are all turning The flowers are dead. The only thing thriving’s…
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  • That’s All
    March 1, 2020
    10/01/19 My gums burn Was it something that I said? The words are scattered in my head Vying to talk to you. Swallowed feelings turn to lead. Heavy, ugly, rotting, dead. So I wake again Put on my mask The laughing fool who’s just your friend.
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  • To Love
    March 1, 2020
    09/21/19 Fall begins again It was cooler when I met you. The ghost of summer swirling through the winter of our love. The middle’s all in where it ends, and where did it end? My cheek still burns from where you kissed, but it’s a memory’s length back to your lips and I can’t forget…
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