Kawaii Panda Adventures!!!

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I’m Engaged!

October 28, 2013
    Elllo World! It been a while since I have written. I have been very busy with hat stupid thing called college… I feel like I never get any sleep… bleh when will it end? So I have some exciting news… I officially got engaged! *Happy Dance* ^_^ Connor proposed it ...
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Recent Entries

  • Side Note and Stuff
    September 17, 2013
      Side note to *Loving Life* Hello! OD is being stupid and won’t let me reply to your note so I hope u read this I didn’t know what else to do lol OD is basically telling me that you don’t exist? Idk maybe you don’t anymore or something, but I hope you do because…
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  • Camplaints Car and College
    September 12, 2013
    Ello, Well I’ve been back at school for about two weeks and it sucks!! I feel like I never get sleep! I’m on campus like all bloody day and the only class I’m enjoying is 3D modeling and Animation… My history class completely sucks! We have to write so many essays and the...
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  • Tragedy
    September 1, 2013
    Well once again I was all inspired and drawing in the middle of the night (its like 1am) and just when I was getting to detailing I realized my favorite drawing pen was all out of ink so now I have to wait till tomorrow to get one... Bleh! I was so annoyed! 'This is what…
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  • Art Work
    August 29, 2013
    well I haven't posted anything for a bit I just haven't felt like writing anything... ive been drawing in my sketchbook a lot I kind of have a problem with drawing stuff in the middle of the night and then never finishing it... I just will feel super inspired in the middle of the night…
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  • Date Night
    August 16, 2013
     Ello!!! So I finally have some stuff to write about... YEAH!!! lol So I went on a date with my boyfriend last night I got all dressed up with my hair all pretty and pastely and a cute dress it was fun! =] We saw We're the Millers and afterwards went to a local restaurant…
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  • Delete
    August 16, 2013
    I feel like deleting my diary it's the only piece of my life I can. 
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  • Tired of Being a Taxi
    August 5, 2013
     I’m back! It has been a week or so lol I haven’t really had anything to say… Been playing Skyrim a bunch I completely OPed my original character… I was playing on the highest difficulty and was only a level 58. I ran out of skills I wanted to learn. I had Smithing,...
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  • Just A Moment
    July 30, 2013
     I was lying on Connors bed staring at the absurd shapes hiding in the textured ceiling. I could hear a soft click, click, of the mouse as Connor sat next to me battling a dragon in a digital world. While I listened, a thought occurred to me, what am I doing with my life, with…
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  • Morning Swim
    July 25, 2013
     That awkward moment when you are swimming in your pool topless and the gardeners show up...  -_- yeah that was my morning hahaha  The gardeners usually come at 7am and since i woke up at 10:30 super hot, 100 degrees out already, with the house to myself I was like "I think il...
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