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So… yeah…

February 23, 2018
So uhh... OD is back.   Not sure if I'll write here or not, but I'm here, and I'm alive.  Married, kid, dog, house, the whole deal.   Found my dad, tried to talk to my dad for a while, realized it wasn't healthy, and cut him out again.     Not sure how much…
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Recent Entries

  • Big changes
    October 10, 2013
     A lot of big changes going on. Bought a new car (subaru forester) applied for (and will likely receive an offer for) a new job, trying to decide if i'll take it one of bff's nephews died (17 months old) several of my wife's patients have died recently, so that leads to some shittiness. and&...
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  • hey look.
    June 29, 2013
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  • …and then there were 10
    June 18, 2013
     10 days left until the wedding :) finished my vows, finished the centerpieces, finished the welcome baskets..  made a really fucking slick photo booth application, delegated some responsibilities, shut down some silly old family traditions we wanted no part of... overall, a productive ...
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  • 06/02/2013
    June 1, 2013
     The usual wedding stuff, etc etc. My best man and I squashed our beef.  He wasn't seeing what i asked him as me looking for support, which after he did, he said "yeah, whatever you need" .  Communication breakdown, and it's been resolved, all is well. Seating charts are ...
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  • wedding bitch fest
    May 12, 2013
     ok, i've held off for a while, but it's time to let loose on some wedding stress. first, money.  it's a lot.  a lot.  and i don't have as much as she does, and that makes me feel small a lot of the time. been dealing with this for over a year now.  it sucks…
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  • roop dee doop woop
    May 1, 2013
    Still alive.  Just really really busy with wedding stuff.  58 days until the wedding.    drama here and there, good stuff here and there, bad stuff here and there... so we soldier on.
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  • trips ‘n shit
    March 18, 2013
     Been doin some trips, went to Chicago to see some friends, see "Gaelic Storm", cover the Big Ten Basketball tournament, and generally spend st patrick's day. It went mostly amazing.  There was some drunken drama among my friend and his wife (seriously, who threatens to divorc...
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  • doodle deedle dee
    February 18, 2013
     umm...  not much to report, just wedding stuff, really. had a mole that was changing size and shape over the course of a few weeks, got a biopsy, had a few really stressful days before it came out negative and all was well. eating right and working out, losing weight.  officially ...
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  • up and down week
    January 30, 2013
     went to visit my best man in san francisco, and had mostly a great time.  The main thing i wanted to 'see' while I was out there was a brewery.  any brewery.  there are about 20 of them in the area.  that didn't happen, combination of it not working out right schedule-wi...
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