I'm a SMM (Social Media Marketing) Evangelist trying to create a modest side income from online activity, so I spend a lot of time online and especially in social networking spaces. But this is not why I've joined here!!
Everywhere else, I can't escape thinking in terms of 'branding' and 'impact', so I joined here to give myself a space where it is 'just me', where I can let down the guard and not be concerned about the perception of others. Somewhere I can explore 'my core' more, with the helpful and challenging insights of others.

I also run a small offline business (window cleaning) and also hold down a job at a supermarket so my time is pretty full.
I am Buddhist, I have been with my partner for nearly a year. He has just begun a new work pattern himself which now means we will only get to see each other once a week for the next year, so this is a new challenge.
I guess I'll leave it there for now and let you get to know me through my diary.
Thanks for reading.

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November 11, 2019
Hi. I guess I just wanted to introduce myself here as I've just joined. So 'Hi everyone'. I won't repeat myself, so, rather than write a long post, I'll just invite you all to read my 'about' section on my profile and I look forward to meeting anyone who would like to say hello. Thanks…
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