I'm a prematurely grumpy old man who loves nothing better than to read, eat, drink, drink, drink, drink and socialise with my various minions!

I work as a playscheme leader and so am always coated with a fine layer of paint and glitter. I also work at a great 'Nerds Paradise' of books and figurines and wargames and stuff. I've also got a kitten called Dante.

Oh the excitement...

Latest Entry

You Can Never Return to the Same Place Twice

February 23, 2018
Because either you have changed or the place has. You've both changed. You've seen more, experienced more, SURVIVED more. So either a different person comes back, or they arrive at a new destination. And so here I am, in a foreign, familiar land as a stranger to himself. My life has taken a great...
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Recent Entries

  • The Finale
    January 29, 2014
    Well, we all know my diary has been a dead duck for some time... However, anyone wishing to keep in touch I'm on Facebook: Thomas Anthony Kilby It's been emotional, it's been on and off and it's been a weird way of making some weird friends- here's a glass raised to the lot of us.…
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  • Words.
    July 28, 2012
    Hello my little web-piglets. I have no idea how I'm going to manage a full entry today as I've done very nearly nothing for a week- one of the regretable joys of having 6 weeks of summer holiday. Still, I shouldn't moan. I will though, as this is my diary so stuff you all backwards…
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  • Tales of Suspense
    July 23, 2012
    A cramped study in provincial England. Several boxes sit around the room, left in situ after frantic, fevered searching for some item of little import, now forgotten. In the corner stands a cheap bureau, it's surface cluttered with the varied detritus of a disorganised life- here a receipt, there...
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    July 18, 2012
    Coming soon: An Entry!
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  • An Imaginary Stuffed Cowboy Stole my Manhood EDIT
    August 4, 2010
    Hello. I never thought I'd have to live to report the day that my brain had disintegrated to such a degree that the tale I'm about to relate had to occur. I never thought I'd have to cope with the emotional fallout of such a circumstance. But alas it has happened. The only non-relationship based&...
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  • Random Jolly Grouchings.
    August 1, 2010
    You know who I hate? Well, obviously you know there's Ali, the Donkey-Witch, George Bush, Jordan etc... But do you know who I hate at this precise moment? Hopefully not, as that means your in my head and I'm imagining this whole reality and that I'm really nothing more than a disembodied state of...
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  • Yawn
    July 28, 2010
    The boredom continues.... So far here is a list of what has happened over the last 3 days: Alcohol. 3 games of Warhammer (I won all of them) Alcohol MSN Alcohol Kidnap plots Alcohol Slow slide into depression That just about covers it! I'm going to a party in a karaoke bar tomorrow so that…
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  • Boredom and it’s Many Vices
    July 26, 2010
    I know I said I'd do a video entry. And I will. When I can be arsed... these things take time... I now have 6 weeks of holiday to look forward to. I'm on my 3rd day and I'm BORED! Everyone else is at work and I don't have my own home so I'm sat…
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  • Surprise Surprise.
    July 17, 2010
    Well, I broke up wih Louise, thus rendering that our my shortest relationship since primary school which does amuse me somewhat! And don't worry guys, this isn't a Tom and Claire style break down this time- I'm absolutely fine. A little disappointed because she's a nice girl and stuff but, to be ...
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