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Always loving

December 13, 2010
never being loved. I love with everything in me, I give myself 110% to whomever I'm with, but I've yet to find the person that will give that much back.  It makes me wonder if I'm holding my standards too high.  Am I asking for too much?  Are my wants and needs ridiculous?  Is...
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Recent Entries

  • fear
    November 13, 2008
    fear   /fɪər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [feer] Show IPA Pronunciation   –noun 1. a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. 2. a specific instance of or prop...
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  • When it rains it pours…
    November 5, 2008
    Ugh.  Just when I think that maybe, just maybe I have a chance to catch up on everything something else goes wrong and I take a dozen steps backward.   This past Saturday it started with a pipe having a serious leak on my water tank.  So serious that my mother literally had to...
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  • Good tired, bad tired…
    October 23, 2008
    This is something that D actually shared with me today, I found it very interesting and started to think about whether I've been having good tired or bad tired days, I think mostly good tired - losing the battles but knowing I gave it my all...   Good Tired - Harry Chapin Interview My grandf...
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  • Life Lesson
    October 4, 2008
    When I visited D yesterday at the hospital he gave me a handwritten letter along with a version of the following story.  The story is one that I will hold with me always, I can relate to the fence... (apologies for the different font sizes, when I copy and pasted there were issues and I...
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  • Lift my spirits…
    September 7, 2008
    How do I do it?? Usually I read.  I can pick up a book, read it in a day, maybe two, and feel better.  It lifts my spirits, renews my hope, leaves me feeling good.  BUT I read romance novels.  Debbie Macomber, Fern Michaels, Nicholas Sparks etc, those are not going to leave me...
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  • Quotes…
    September 7, 2008
    just reading some quotes, wasting my day, had to put them somewhere...leave me a note - which is your favorite... Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and…
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  • Work…
    September 4, 2008
    is a bit of a joke right now. I'm doing my best to stay positive and I'm trying to be strategic about things.  So far I've only dealt one day, last Sunday.  I was scheduled on Tuesday and again yesterday, but they were so slow that I opted to leave when I got there.  My…
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  • leave a note…
    August 10, 2008
    I've made all my entries private so that only my favs can read them.  If you would like to be on that list, please just "sign a note" and I will add you.    :)
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  • My Saturday…
    May 18, 2008
    I know it's been awhile, something happened over the weekend between my sister and I that she posted about in her diary.  It requires my response and I have too much to say in just the 400 text reply I'll preface with the situation that occurred.  And be prepared if you're read...
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