Third week in a row

It should become a habit again after 3 times of making it to early church.  Good for us!  The hard part should be over soon … the getting up and getting a move on early, and facing all those church members who say “Oh, my goodness!  Haven’t seen you for ages!  I think I know you, but can’t recall your name.  Etc. etc. etc.”  We, who for many years never missed a Sunday.  Another week or two and all should be back to normal.

We played bridge with our couples group last night, way out in the east part of town.  Had lousy cards, but almost everybody did.  It’s still fun and we enjoy these people a lot.

Looks like it’s going to be a pretty nice day.  The wind is kicking up again, though, so who knows if it will stay sunny and get warm or not?  Even though our winter has been dry and mild, I am really tired of wind.  I want to see green grass and flowers and to sit on my deck in the sunshine.

Another quiet week on the calendar.  Gotta’ find a book to read.  And finish Cecil’s sweater.  Only need to sew it together and finish the neck band.  I probably have time to make another one or two before he arrives.  We’ll see.  If he spends his first summer near the lake, he might need more than two sweaters….

Mike is off to Nashville again this week to meet with songwriters and publishers.  Small things have been happening for him, and one of these days a BIG thing is going to happen.  Just you wait and see!  Until then, he’s still got his really good day job.

I want to welcome back to Open Diary a very special person called “Sis”.

They are coming tomorrow to install new doors on my kitchen and bathroom cupboards.  I can’t see anything wrong with the old ones, but they are upgrading all the apartments, I guess.    We got new light fixtures awhile back.  They told me  I only have to empty the drawers for them to do their work.  Bob will be home when they come, but I’ll be off playing cards with the ladies.  He’ll have to see to anything that they forgot to mention that needs to be done.


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April 8, 2018

I love Nashville we are going there next weekend


April 8, 2018

New cupboard doors is exciting. Can’t wait to see Cecil’ sweater. Got two bags of clothes from JDs friends so I guess he won’t be in his birthday suit. Got a crib and a bassinet. A car seat and stroller. DJs been shopping the online sales.

April 8, 2018

You just sound great here.