yes, this is about deathly hallows, why do you ask

Spoilers; lots of them. I should mention that this was my second reading; I read the pirated copy Tuesday.

Reactions on first reading … written Tuesday

Initial reaction was intense hatred for JKR. Yes, I’m mad.

It’s not a bloodbath, really (well, compared to OoTP it’s a MAJOR bloodbath, but in terms of total character ratio, it’s not), but she does kill more than two characters (and two of those characters she just ASSASSINATED characteristically. Just … ugh.) I think her reaction to fan reaction will push me one way or the other. But they didn’t even die realistically!

The plot was EXTREMELY trio-focused, which I realised it had to be.

I love the redemption she gave one character. I love it. I will write fanfic on him. I haven’t written fanfic in forever and I will write it, on him. She didn’t tie up loose ends, let me tell you that. Well, except for the characters she killed and the ones contained in the epilogue, she’s left A LOT of room for sequels.

For me, Tonks was my baby. Tonks will always be my baby. She is the first character in this series that I actually loved and not hated; she. She is quirky, smart, funny. She loves passionately; while I don’t agree with the person whom she loves, she does it beautifully. In short: she reminds me a lot of myself. And I am deeply saddened she had to go in such a way that was an abomination to her character.

I still disagree with Samwise, that fandom will forever change; JKR didn’t close up very many ends at all; a lot of my favourite characters are minor characters and I may actually start RPing again. Maybe. We’ll see how the fanfic goes — I think fandom is just going to EXPLODE once they process what has happened.

For my second reading … we got home at 12:30, I finished at 06:30

And … I dunno.

I hate the betrayal of Dumbledore; I hate that Remus and Tonks were killed off screen; hated that they were willing to abandon their child.

I liked Snape’s redemption, in the end. The doe was touching.

I hate Dumbledore’s betrayal; I just hate it.

I wish Hermione had died.

And that Neville had killed Bellatrix; I did like the comparison to Sirius at the end, though.

And I hated the end; totally hated it. There was no finality to the deaths of Remus, Tonks, Fred, any of them. It would have been nice to see that; a memorial. Or something. Instead, we’re left to fill in our own blanks …

And she left far more loose ends than she tied up, far too many opportunities for sequels … which I think she plans on writing in a few years time, honestly. Because that epilogue, SUCKED.

There’s more I want to say, but darlings, I need sleep.

Tonks, dear, beloved Tonks, will always be my baby. I feel the need to say it again. Always.

So, if I had to rate ALL SEVEN HP BOOKS, my list, from most to least favourite, will go, for the time being, as follows:

OoTP / Half-Blood (tie)
Philosopher’sReactions on first reading … written Tuesday

I can’t help it; I really hated that second book.

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July 30, 2007

i thought it was a bit crap that she didn’t let us see what happened to tonks and remus but then. i don’t know. because some of it you wouldn’t know, you know, if you were in it with it all going on. but i agree. the way tonks left her baby, she wouldn’t have. but then i figured it was a way to fit in that harry would be like sirius, the godfather of the orphan, blah blah. but like, less dead thansirius n stuff.

July 30, 2007

i thought it was a bit crap that she didn’t let us see what happened to tonks and remus but then. i don’t know. because some of it you wouldn’t know, you know, if you were in it with it all going on. but i agree. the way tonks left her baby, she wouldn’t have. but then i figured it was a way to fit in that harry would be like sirius, the godfather of the orphan, blah blah. but like, less dead thansirius n stuff.

August 1, 2007

JK’s thinking about writing a HP encyclopedia. I don’t think she should bother.

August 1, 2007

JK’s thinking about writing a HP encyclopedia. I don’t think she should bother.