work and play

Following ‘s theme of etiquette, I offer you a story. And a lesson. Lesson first: Always apologise to your boss. Even if you were cranky and just in a bad mood. Apologise anyway.

Ok, story time! Once upon a time, there was a full-time worker at KrappyMart named Atticus. Atticus was a good worker who got lots of hours every week. One week, though, the budget was cut and she had almost no hours! That week, her bosses gave her lists of things to do that were all but impossible to finish! Atticus hadn’t been sleeping well that week or the last because of the construction at her neighbours house. So when she got the list on Monday night, another impossible list, she was already crabby enough. Then, just when she’d finished three things on the list, and left the impossible fourth for the next night, she broke a rule by leaving carts full of KrappyMart clearance merchandise in the stockroom. So she was crabby, cranky, and needed to tell her boss why she broke her rules. But she’d lost her list! And then, to make matters worse, her jackass of a coworker threw the lid to her coffee mug away and told her to go dig in the trash for it! So she told him off and went to deal with her boss. She was very extremely cranky with her boss and he was not being HELPFUL, so she turned and walked out of KrappyMart.

Then Atticus went home and cried for a while, and then slept, and then she called her boss when the construction noise kept her from sleeping too much. She told her boss she was sorry for walking out on him and being crabby and he was SO SURPRISED* that she had apologised for being crabby that he told her she had a higher chance of getting hours when the schedule was cut again, but not to tell anyone else, because she was a hard worker and deserved her hours.
End of story.

Now, what did we learn from this? Apologising = always good. Even if your boss is awesome and understands that you were just crabby, it’s still awesome. Because A) Clearly a lot of people don’t call and apologise to their bosses. Well, if I’d had a car, I’d have done it in person. *Because I call him and tell him that it’s me, and he’s like ‘I don’t want to talk to you, you’re crabby’ and I say ‘Well, I’m calling to apologise for that’ and he goes ‘Really? That’s the only reason you called?’ all surprised like. B) Once your boss realises how super cool you are, he does nice things for you, like gives you hours. C) When it comes time for future boss to call this boss now and ask how super cool I am, he’ll remember just how super cool I am and tell future boss that.

As if that didn’t make me happier (’cause really, it made me loads happier) the fact that I got into the game I applied for made me loads happier!

I am now a member of the HP RPG fandom again. Yay! Playing everyone’s least favourite Marauder, Peter! MWPP era, their sixth year. Game’s called madworld on GJ. And really, this game is already made of awesome. Just look at the title! Also, Chels is in it, and I’ve missed her since our Regulus/Padma. My AU Padma now. Totally uncanon. I hate Canon Padma, but my AU Padma is probably my favourite student. And you know, Tonks as favourite adult, for sure, though I haven’t played her in um, well, I don’t think I’ll be playing her ever again. BUT! I do have a Teddy Lupin and Andromeda fic in my head that I should write once I’m caught up on TWW (and Em, once my laptop comes, I’ll crank them out that night so don’t hate me? pleeze? kthanxbai.).

I heart you HP fandom and I have missed you muchly.

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That’s the awesome. *nods*

That’s the awesome. *nods*

July 31, 2007

ha i love the way you wrote this 🙂 lesson noted 🙂

July 31, 2007

ha i love the way you wrote this 🙂 lesson noted 🙂

August 1, 2007

glad it worked out so well!

August 1, 2007

glad it worked out so well!

August 2, 2007

Oh my God, are you female? I thought you were a guy. ^_^

August 2, 2007

Oh my God, are you female? I thought you were a guy. ^_^

August 3, 2007

RYN: Oh yes, that’s a point. I forgive the filmmakers a little more then. They could have shown him just being hit by a beam, but I can see why they assumed it was AK.

August 3, 2007

RYN: Oh yes, that’s a point. I forgive the filmmakers a little more then. They could have shown him just being hit by a beam, but I can see why they assumed it was AK.