West Wing Fic-A-Thon

Introducing the Han-a-thon!

(I really don’t think I’ll have any takers here on the OD end, but I might as well try …)

A Fic-a-thon based around the theme of Han! “There is no literal English translation. It’s a state of mind. Of soul, really. A sadness. A sadness so deep no tears will come. And yet still there’s hope.” Or so The President Tells CJ. In that manner, all fics written for this ‘thon will be centred around that theme. There are no restrictions on characters unless someone requests for a character specifically not to be used.

Note: This is supposed to be about theme, not the characters.

This is also for my sister, who is a reader, not a writer and for Em, , who has always wished for someone to create a fic that isn’t centred around characters.

The Word count minimum is 1000 words, and you have six weeks to write. Sign-ups are open through the end of the month and assignments will go out the first week of May (4/5). The last drop-out date will be two weeks after assignments go out, 18 May. Fics will be due 15 June. You may leave a link to the fic in my journal (anywhere, really, but I’ll be posting the master list on the 15th).

The Sign up Sheet:
Comment here at my personal journal with this form to be added.


(for the story you’d like to receive)
up to 3 elements you’d like included in the story:
up to 2 elements you *don’t* want in the story:
Rating Preference:

(for the writing of the assignment you’re going to receive)
Any thing you *can’t/won’t* write:
Rating preference:
Are you able to write a back up?:

Name: AoF
Email: atticusfinch over at gmail

(for the story you’d like to receive)
Up to 3 elements you’d like included in the story: set somewhere outside the white house and pre-season one
up to 2 elements you *don’t* want in the story: the death of josh’s father, sex scenes (implication is ok)
Rating Preference: nothing higher than pg-13

(for the writing of the assignment you’re going to receive)
Any thing you *can’t/won’t* write: anything canonly set during seasons 5 and 6 … but other than that, I’m game.
Rating preference: any
Are you able to write a back up?: yes (it’s my ficathon, I better be able to!)

So, to recap: Sign-ups are open through the end of the month (30 April)
Assignments will go out by the first weekend of next month4/5 May
Last drop out date is 18 May
Fics are due the Ides of June (15 June)

Go forth and sign-up, pimp it to all your friends!

Any questions, feel free to ask or e-mail!

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