tww fandom

Yay for hijacked friends.

What about TWW Fandom? I know members of my flist have had issues with some members of it, but honestly, the worst thing I’ve ever gotten into with the fandom was the Sorkin vs. George W. Bush comments about the VA Tech massacre. And look where we are now; I’m still friends with all of you. It was just a disagreement made bigger by the fact that emotions were running extremely high due to the delicate nature of the situation. That’s it. I haven’t had huge bitter matches with any of you, asking mutual friends to take one side against the other. I haven’t spread nasty things about someone while making myself out to be innocent and pure. I haven’t attacked the family relationships of another in a locked post because I’m a coward. I haven’t done anything but write fanfic for a whole lot of you. I know some of you like vignettes, some of you like banter, some of you are head over heels in love wtih Toby and CJ, and some of you loathe Donna with a passion. I like how open you are in your journals, some of you; I like that the only thing binding us isn’t just a love of a fandom. I love how diverse we all are, how you guys have spread my horizons to many new things (::coughcoughsamandtobycoughcough). I love how passionate you are about the fandom, that you don’t just quit it because your friends did; that you haven’t jumped ship after the ending of the show.

I love so much more about you that I’m probably forgetting, but I’d just like to say, I’m sorry for neglecting you all these past few months. I’m here, I’m back, and I’m going to stay.

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