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The letter I, for Insanity; or, my sister packs for college.

about her touchlight
Sarah: This is the most awesome thing ever!
Me: I’m the most awesome thing ever!
Sarah: You and my touchy light should talk sometime!

later …

Me: Oh, there’s a dollar! Can I have it!
Sarah: … (in a very ‘No, you can’t have my dollar, what the fuck do you think this is’ look)
Me: ::laughs::

later …

Mom: someone’s phone is ringing!
Mom: Phone! Someone’s phone is buzzing!
Me: ::sprints down stairs::
Me: mine! ::runs to get it::
Me: dammit, missed the call
Sarah: jesus, make me think something real is happening …

later …

Sarah: So, mom doesn’t want to go to jail. How ’bout you?
Sarah: I have to unplug my computer.
Sarah: And then pack it.
Sarah: And then go find the person who made it and kill them.

I love my sister. So so much. I will probably cry when she leaves. Like, a lot.


Else I hurt you. Real bad. I WILL CUT YOU! FAILURE!

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Hehehe… sounds like you two have great fun 🙂

Hehehe… sounds like you two have great fun 🙂