Legacy of Parks Photo Shoot

Legacy of Parks is more commonly known as Hillcrest Park. It was a gift from the US Government. It is an abandoned Nike Missle Site, complete with Silo and Government Buildings (I would LOVE to get inside one of those). A few days ago, Ali, her girlfriend Ashley, and I went out there to take some pictures, if only because it is the coolest place on the planet. Whatever.

TPTB however, are slowly destroying my park. They are running a road right through it. And while that might make for some great fun, playing in the mud and stuff, it’s MY park, you know? I take everyone there, just because it’s extremely cool.

I also give you the complete history of the place unless you’re smart like Ashley and ask for the condensed version. Ali was not so lucky the first time we went. Totally not my problem.

Ah, whatever. Time for some pretties.

First we took some miscellaneous pictures (6)

(anyone have any idea what this is?)

Then we played in the mud (5)

Then we took pictures of the abandoned Nike Missle Site (7)

Then Ali found this cool metal frame and under the Missle Silo, we took a tonne of pictures — with the exception of the first picture (6)

And what Photo Shoot of mine would be complete without ‘pretties’? (2)

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amazing, you. I love the frame one with you in it… and I love the goopy mud ones, too! woo woo!

amazing, you. I love the frame one with you in it… and I love the goopy mud ones, too! woo woo!



May 13, 2007

so cool!

May 13, 2007

so cool!

May 13, 2007

mud is fun

May 13, 2007

mud is fun

May 15, 2007

wicked cool! man, that is some cool looking mud. lurrrve the last few too! looks like a fun day.

May 15, 2007

wicked cool! man, that is some cool looking mud. lurrrve the last few too! looks like a fun day.