Leda and the Sea

Did she know at the start what she would lose at the end;
that as the cool blue tide rushed out, it would take with it every grain of

Did she know beauty and intelligence were no match for sheer brutality;
that as the sea pinned her helpless, it would swallow her

Did she know as she sobbed everything – everything – was gone for good;
that as she turned trembling from the sea, it would mock her with its

Did she know everything would remain unchanged;
that for all her terrible tomorrows, the sea would still take

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I thought so, too. So would you be, a splendid photo op, my lovely.

I thought so, too. So would you be, a splendid photo op, my lovely.

I knew what you meant ..that’s why I said “I thought so, too” and yes you would be, too, stinky.

I knew what you meant ..that’s why I said “I thought so, too” and yes you would be, too, stinky.