late night ramlbe

I had a strange dream last night. Er, just now. Er, when I collapsed at nine and woke up now. More like a subconscious rambling that had to make itself heard. I get crazy dreamy things when I’m mad at people. I don’t know why that’s my mind’s way of calming me down, but it is. Weird.

Apathy is a crime against the very core of humanity

The context was off, but the message clear.

Imagine if 700,000 US troops were killed in Iraq. Imagine if 300,000+ US troops were dead in Darfur. Imagine if 3700 deaths were hardly a blip on a radar.

I understand these are American lives, that we are closer to them for they are our brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons; but what of theirs? How terrible to be reduced to something less than a number.

What if the world didn’t blink? Hell, the world’s not blinking now because they just don’t give a damn. Yes, apathy is a crime.

Know what else? I’d like to see 700,000 of something. Of anything. Grains of sand, compared with one grain of sand. That could be a cool project. Then a million, then a trillion. What the hell is a trillion? How can anyone imagine such a figure? If I can’t even imagine one million dollars, how am I to imagine one million lives?.

Also, while I’m at it, I’m sick to death of hearing about how horrid it is we’re talking to people who have “American blood” on ‘their hands’, yet there’s NO mention at all of the Iraqi blood, the Palestinian blood, the Pakistani blood, the Afghani blood … all on ‘our’ hands.

Maybe they hate us because we’ve got the blood of their brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons on our hands. And it doesn’t wash off that easily.

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And the irony is the British troops in Iraq have lost more troops to American ‘friendly fire’ (it wasn’t that friendly!) than to the Iraqis. Some people now reckon more than a million people have died in Iraq. It’s just a complete travesty.

And the irony is the British troops in Iraq have lost more troops to American ‘friendly fire’ (it wasn’t that friendly!) than to the Iraqis. Some people now reckon more than a million people have died in Iraq. It’s just a complete travesty.