
Oh, they are giving me a whole new iPod and I am NEVER LETTING IT NEAR KITTY! Kitty being this computer-this stays FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR away! I haven’t named him (or her) yet; suggestions?

Also, I will be buying a macbook. Like, Monday. His name is Boo. (er, and my phone is male. Maybe this iPod will be a girl. We’ll see. No, I am not odd in any way, shape, or form. Nope. In my defence, the guy at apple said HE named all HIS things too!)

*scurries off to bed, drabble later*

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You GAVE your COMPUTER a NAME. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

You GAVE your COMPUTER a NAME. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

naming things isn’t strange. Naming things is good! 🙂 I have a mobile phone named mowgli! 🙂

naming things isn’t strange. Naming things is good! 🙂 I have a mobile phone named mowgli! 🙂