j is for … well, you know


My sister. Isn’t she lucky?

Yes, I am horribly pretentious at the moment.

We’re going shopping later too. Like, after I shower to finally stop smelling like boy (really, girls, are any of you turned on by any of those axe scents? I smell like Phoenix, currently, after a bottle exploded on me at work last night).

Hrm, I think that’s it.

Oh, wait, it’s not. What cell phone carrier do you use, where do you live, and how happy are you with their service? My contract’s FINALLY up at the end of July, so I get a new phone, new plan, new number, all that jazz. It’ll be funnnnn.

I’m like, barely containing my fangirlishglee here. OMG. OOTP. and then, in ten days … DEATHLY HALLOWS! Which someone gets to buy at Midnight with the best sister in the world. Right. Again my sister.

How does a girl get so lucky?

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By being related to you, obviously. 🙂 Took me forever to figure out what “OOTP” means! Man, I’m old and uncool.

By being related to you, obviously. 🙂 Took me forever to figure out what “OOTP” means! Man, I’m old and uncool.

July 10, 2007

wut the heck is ootp

July 10, 2007

wut the heck is ootp

July 10, 2007

ohhh by the way.. helloo how is it going.. long time not reading u

July 10, 2007

ohhh by the way.. helloo how is it going.. long time not reading u

July 16, 2007

cingular service, like customer service, sucks from the very top on down but damn did my sweet camera phone from them rock. i really miss it. i live in columbus OH. i had alltel for two years and would NEVER have ended service with them because they ROCKED problem FREEE for two years, but they have no service in columbus so i had to switch.

July 16, 2007

cingular service, like customer service, sucks from the very top on down but damn did my sweet camera phone from them rock. i really miss it. i live in columbus OH. i had alltel for two years and would NEVER have ended service with them because they ROCKED problem FREEE for two years, but they have no service in columbus so i had to switch.