Harry Potter Rocks My Socks Off



That was made of awesome, the movie. By far the best movie, surpassing PoA even.

It started off dead on, though Harry wasn’t really carrying Dudley home.

The DA was spot on also; flustered Cho, Neville learning, Harry being a leader — it just felt ‘right’ as it pertained to the book. They did have Cho betray Harry to kill their relationship which I thought was terrible as the part with Marietta would have been nice to see.

Sirius getting AK’d, um, WTF? He FELL through the veil, he didn’t get killed. Though I like the touch with Lupin hauling him out of the way and the silence as Harry screamed.

The scene in the atrium was … I have mixed feelings about that. Also with Harry handing over the prophecy. mentioned while Harry was possessed it felt like a music video montage of Voldey, something I’m inclined to agree with. The duel between Ddore and Voldey was made of awesome, though I do wish they had put in where Ddore strikes Voldey and Voldey goes ‘you do not wish to kill me?’ and sounds so surprised. I think that tiny detail is extremely important.

The think that irked me the most? The scene in Dumbledore’s office after, wherein Dumbledore tells Harry that yes, one must die while the other survives but does NOT tell Harry that the prophecy ONLY matters if he and Voldey let it. That they have the power to walk away.

ALSO, WHERE IS THE QUIDDITCH? Even just tiny mentions of it would have been nice, like Hagrid pulling them away during the match.

Oh, Umbridge and the centaurs was awesome as well.

I know I’m forgetting a ton of stuff, but it’s late and I’m tired and I’m seeing it again on Friday with my mother so I’m sure I’ll notice a lot more about it then.

The Rebellion Begins.
I love it.
Bring it on.

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July 11, 2007

I saw it tonight as well and thought it the best of the movies, even though it’s far from my favorite book. I loved it even though the ending annoyed me to no end!

July 11, 2007

I saw it tonight as well and thought it the best of the movies, even though it’s far from my favorite book. I loved it even though the ending annoyed me to no end!

Awesome, can’t wait to see it 🙂

Awesome, can’t wait to see it 🙂

damnnnnnnnnnnit i can’t wait!

damnnnnnnnnnnit i can’t wait!

July 11, 2007

I skipped to the end, not wanting to read the spoiler, although, I did read the book…. I’m glad you liked it because the review in my paper this morning did not give it a great review. I would see it regardless.

July 11, 2007

I skipped to the end, not wanting to read the spoiler, although, I did read the book…. I’m glad you liked it because the review in my paper this morning did not give it a great review. I would see it regardless.

August 2, 2007

The films piss me off. It’s the way they change things that they don’t need to, like Sirius getting AK’d and Cho being the traitor. I haven’t even seen this film yet. I’ll probably wait til it’s out on DVD or something.

August 2, 2007

The films piss me off. It’s the way they change things that they don’t need to, like Sirius getting AK’d and Cho being the traitor. I haven’t even seen this film yet. I’ll probably wait til it’s out on DVD or something.