‘are you mad?’ ‘yes, I’m mad’

The Sixth Circuit of Federal Appeals (I think it was the sixth, might have been the fifth) has ruled that the ACLU does not have a case against the Bush warrantless tapping programme, so they sent it back to the lower courts and ordered a judge to reverse.

Bull shit. This is all bull shit.

Know why the ACLU didn’t have grounds to sue? Because they couldn’t prove that they were being monitored.

No really, because they couldn’t prove they were being monitored so they couldn’t show they had been harmed by the warrantless tapping programme or that Bush had violated the 1974 International Communications Act (or something, it’s early and I was reading the article fast), to say nothing of the 1964 Privacy act! This is ridiculous! It also means I should add the 1974 Act to my growing pile of Government Documents that are either supposed to protect us but aren’t, or that clearly violate our Civil Liberties (I already have the 1964 Privacy Act, the Bill of Rights, proposed TIA information, and the USA PATRIOT ACT).

Bull shit. How are they supposed to prove they’ve been spied upon when all that information is ‘classified’ information?

The Bush Administration can clearly get away with anything, can’t they? Dammit, who has an international e-mail address and a non-Western last name? Just to spite Bush I feel like writing an e-mail about how lovely my photographs of the Golden Gate Bridge came out and isn’t it really something that the 100,000 cars cross every day, and it’s usually packed at rush hour, and how’s that Chemistry degree coming along because mine’s coming along nicely.

Yes, I’m mad. I’m very mad.

This is bull shit. This whole government is a farce. I don’t think I can wait until January of 2009. 2009! It’s only 2007 now!


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July 8, 2007


July 8, 2007