anatomy of a soul

Before I leave for college I will be signing a power of attorney. For me, the choices will be easy, what do I want done with my body in the even I am incapacitated and cannot make that choice? How do I want my soul sliced up? I don’t believe in the notion of a soul; I should say, I don’t hold true any of the nonsense that there exists in us a piece that is neither mind nor body. I can’t imagine the torture of those who do when they are contemplating a power of attorney.

If I am brain-dead, has my soul already left? If my organs fail, but my brain is still active, has my soul left? Where is the location of a human soul?

So much easier then, to contemplate that if I am brain-dead I am not coming back; the piece of me that is me has been terminated- there is no real ‘Atticus’ left. The mind is the body and what is the mind? It’s an organ in which every cell is replaced eventually. What is memory, what is me? How could a soul possibly exist in such conditions?

If I am brain-dead I ask that you remove life-support; if I am on a feeding tube, I ask that you remove it. To exist as a shell is not to really exist. What is the worth of a human life and at what cost do we keep it alive? There are arguments of when one becomes a human life, there should be them for when you cease to become one. Left as a slab on a ventilator, is that a life? Or is it some morbid half-life of a human? Caught between the living and the dead? A shell? To be a shell is hardly existing.

My life might not be in my hands, but at least there will be no notion of a soul clouding; I will not exist as a shell.

Log in to write a note

speaking of which, what’s the Bubbler? and where is it? huh? HUH?

speaking of which, what’s the Bubbler? and where is it? huh? HUH?

August 7, 2007

that’s how i feel too!

August 7, 2007

that’s how i feel too!

August 8, 2007

brilliant! too true. pathetic, all the mayhem and nonsense this ridiculous myth has caused over human history. i always get paranoid about putting my affairs in order before i go off and travel or embark on new things too.

August 8, 2007

brilliant! too true. pathetic, all the mayhem and nonsense this ridiculous myth has caused over human history. i always get paranoid about putting my affairs in order before i go off and travel or embark on new things too.

it’s a long story. a very long(sad) story.

it’s a long story. a very long(sad) story.

August 21, 2007

Ask and ye shall receive. I’m BAAA~aaaack!

August 21, 2007

Ask and ye shall receive. I’m BAAA~aaaack!

dude, I thought you said you were leaving OD, or I wouldn’t have deleted you from my favorites, darling 🙂 I walked around collecting autumn leaves to mail you, and then remembered you have your own damn leaves now!

dude, I thought you said you were leaving OD, or I wouldn’t have deleted you from my favorites, darling 🙂 I walked around collecting autumn leaves to mail you, and then remembered you have your own damn leaves now!

October 26, 2007

So I only care about myself and I’m a woman hater. FYI..being a soldier STRONGLY contradicts both of those statements. That and I’m married with a son. So, with quick conclusions and dead weight accusations, does that make you a domineering bigot?

October 26, 2007

So I only care about myself and I’m a woman hater. FYI..being a soldier STRONGLY contradicts both of those statements. That and I’m married with a son. So, with quick conclusions and dead weight accusations, does that make you a domineering bigot?