survey stolen from chopper13

Current Sound:   Ashley by The Dodos (in preperation for their concert tonight!)



Current Read: Snuff-Check Palahniuk



Current Guilty Pleasure: listening to my Ipod in my car with my giant headphones even though I know Im going to get ticketed sooner or later



Current Colors: red (nailpolish and Pjs NICE

Current Fave Food: Crabs cakes



Current Fave Drink: Amaretto Sour



Current Website:

Current Outfit: red pj pants, chicken feet slippers, pink unicorn tshirt, and red vintage addidas warm up jacket (Waldo’s-but I stole it because his freakishly long arms are too long for it)

Current Fragrance:  I can still smell the LAMB I squirted on before grocery shopping (I feel its important to dress hot when grocery shopping)



Current Wish List:  A Punchbowl and an answering machine



Current Need: Some water would be nice.  And some heat.



Current Music: Red and Purple by the Dodos.



Current Anticipation: the concert tonight, preceded by a romantic dinner (that I have to pay for because I bet Thai the auctioneer wouldnt know the Peewee Herman doll was a peewee herman doll.  Those fuckers know everything.)

Current Bane of My Existence: The 3 little old homeless men who think Im possessed by demons but still go to the library every day to talk to me.



Current Blessings: My Thai

Current Project: Getting ready for my Halloween Party



Current Triumph: Lucy gained 150 pounds since highskool, 100 in the last 9 months (not pregnant though).  When you do horrible things like steal your best friend’s boyfriend-one day you will get unhealthily fat.  All this will be foreshaddowed by said boyfriend telling his actual girlfriend that you got really thin over the summer about an hour before he cheats on her with you.



Current TV:  NO TV!  My house is a utopian society 😛

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