review survey of 2007

I originally took this to reviwe 2005.  Now lets do 2007.

1. a) Record for alcohol consumption in one sitting (by unit): 3 Coolers, a half bottle of peach schnapps, 5ish beers, a 26 of margarittas with an extra bottle of tequila mixed in because pre-made margs are always weak, some Jagermeister….in three hours.  I puked and cried for longer than I drank.  Hung over for 3 days.

     b) Most Interesting Place I Have Thrown Up in 2007:

After midnight last new years eve I threw up down 2 floors into someone’s recycling bin.  Id been drinking unicorns (rum, sprite, and gin).


2. Most Dramatic Violent outburst of 2007.

Im not given to violence often and considering what i went through last year, lets give me a medal for not killing anyone.  How about when I sucker punched tris when i found out he got that dirty stupid bitch who broke his heart pregnant.

3. Greatest achievement in the field of sports: playing tackle frisbee with the guys and scaring arlington with my animalistic growl and visciousness while turning on waldo with my animalistic growl and viciousness.

4. Silliest outfit: uhhh any outfit i wore the week following making time with Spenny and getting covered in giant bite marks, bruises, and hickies in the middle of summer.  Because I had to wear scarves and it was hot out….otherwise I looked like a pack of wolverines skull fucked me.

5. Favourite skintifying purchase: Skintyfying?  Ill just assume that relates to the size of the price tag. my big giant headphones with the killer sound quality.

6. Something I broke in 2007:  the silence about my father molesting me.

7. Favourite Pringle flavour of 2007 salt and vinegar for LIFE!

8. Tourists I gave directions to during the festival 2007: Uhhhh did i go to any festivals this year?  I dont think so.  I worked too much.  And when some comes here for a festival I dont give directions because tourists are annoying.

9. Most disgusting moment of 2007:  Seeing people vomit on themselves at Halloween.  Nasty.

10. Favourite (non-swearing) F-Word to describe 2007:

Foriegn:  as in spenny and that guy in france.  Who I fucked.  HAHAHAHA.

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January 10, 2008
