Plastic Fantastic

Holy good god!  I can’t believe how long its been since I’ve written in here, and its been even longer since I wrote regularly.  This must end here!

I am back (she says for the millionth time).

Burlesque, my 2 part time library jobs, and crafting have taken over my life.  But this flu season has knocked me on my ass twice, bless its contamenated heart, so I am going to write you a fever-minded entry right now.

Have you held a Barbie Doll lately?  Not a new one, one of your own from back in the day when you spent hours talking through sparkley blonde dolls?

I have.  And I liked it.

I bought my neice a Barbie Doll for Christmas and decided to make it some clothes.  I have some vintage sewing pattern for Barbie’s clothes lying around and this way I can save a little of the cash I do not have.  But rather than take the new Barbie out of its package for fittings I decided to use an old friend.  Hopefully this will work because they changed the dimensions of Barbie a few years ago and she definetly doesn’t have the same rack I remember.  Also her nose is bigger.  It looks like Ken tossed a Barbie Malibu Vase at her head.  What the fuck Matel?

Regardless I dug out my old Barbie and it was just like when you get over the assy taste in your mouth after eating mushrooms and you suddenly catch a glimpse of the wallpaper floating away into the vanishing point above the couch.  I remembered the smell of the half of my Barbie house that was kept in the basement.  I remembered the pink and green peppermint striped couch.  I remember the turquoise bathtub and little pink soap dish.  And I want it all back,

Thank fucking god for neices.  I will play Barbies again.  Oh yes.

My sister didn’t think it was a good idea.  Lottee (my neice) saw the commercial for the dolls on TV and told her mother "I could play with those".  My sister think she can raise a tomboy.  Thats right folks she thinks she has a say in what her kids are going to be.  Good luck, sucka.  I’ll be over here handsewing tinsel on this pink sparkling cape I just made my old …. I mean your kids Barbie Doll.

Another reason I love Barbies is that Lottee is 3.  She’s getting to that age where she can actually say no to the crazy shit I make for her to wear.  You know who doesn’t talk back?  Barbie.  Barbie is going to wear the poncho and courdoury jeans I made today while watching Casino and she is going to SMILE.


must go, dog and cat are fighting.  Did I mention how much I love that my sister had real kids so I can have these awesome furry psuedo-kids without feeling any guilt that my mom won’t be a gramma?  Her womb is my Jesus figure.


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