panic-monger: survey stolen from Ok panic.

Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?  Someone thought I was native american once.  So yes.  But since Im pretty sure my gramma (the crazy one not the drunk one) had an interracial extramarital affair (extracial?) then maybe not.

Would you tattoo someone’s name on your body? yeah but theyd probably have to be dead and I would have to have not fucked them.

How old were you when you moved out of your parents house? 24.  But fishtits the giant mermaid is still there, so have I really moved out?

You have any friends with "benefits"? Oh I have.  And as a result I often find myself at social functions going "I have actually fucked all of these people".  And yes when I get bored I rank them.  Sometimes by size, sometimes by talent.

Who do you miss right now? Everyone.  Christ no one ever visits the new place.

Are you drinking anything? No but I had a delicious cherry and mango cocktail with dinner.  Vodka may also have been involved.

Are you listening to music? No, Thai’s asleep.  I dont like the feeling of potentially waking others.

Do you take your daily vitamins?  No but that just reminded me to take my birth control.

Where is your most ticklish spot? Im so ticklish and I hate it.   Knees.

Last thing you bought from Walgreens? dramamine in Detroi which made me unable to walk at the rest stop in Pensylvania, and carried me over clean to Manhattan.

How old are your parents?  I was immaculately conceived, my mother is 51 in less than 2 weeks.

What did you last cook? I rarely cook thanks to Thai.  Beef Stroganoff.

Do you have over 200 MySpace friends? No.  Who the fuck uses myspace anymore?

Do you have a favorite number? 7.  I used to be inlove with a bass player from a band which involved the number 7.  He was using me though.  Which doesnt matter because he was also into Jesus.  So you can see, we would not have turned out well.

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? open.  The biomass of my clothing pretty well gaurentees nothing spooky is in there if thats what youre getting at.

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Every damn day so she has to keep adding lots more.

Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I hate made beds.  My bed is a nest of 6 or 7 entangled blankets and 1-3 sheets.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No, growing up my best friend’s dad worked for the city.  Old street signs were free.

Do you have freckles? I wish.  Freckles give me a total girl boner.

Do you ever count your steps when you walk? no.

Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not usually.

What size is your bed? Queen.

Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Only real men wear pink.

What’s a fact about the last person who you called?Who I called ?  That was prolly DAYS ago.  I dont call people.  The fact is it was so long ago I dont recall who it was.  Maybe Thai or my gramma.  A fact about Thai is why I believe in love still after so many shitty things have happend to me.  And my gramma: fact is why I drink wild vines (and wild vines is why I have the courage to tell girls I want to fuck them…or I did.  Pre-Thai).  HA grams made me a successful dyke.  Thats science.  Or maybe math.

4 in the morning, your phone rings, who do you expect it to be? Wrong number or Em.

What is your favorite thing to eat? Portebello mushrooms pan fried in president’s choice peanut satay sauce.

What kind of car do you drive: Toyota Trecel, a shaggin wagon of sorts.

Are you traveling anytime soon? I’m going to Scotland in less than 2 weeks.

What ad is next to this screen? No ad.  Theres one above it for citykids foundation.

Is it sunny or cloudy? its night.  I cannot tell.  But Ill say this-not sunny.

Do you have any pets? 2 bunnies and a cat.

Single or in a relationship? In a relationship

Any new exciting news? Thai’s band is no longer on hiatus!

Mcdonalds, Wendys, or Burger King?  Wendy’s for their frosty.

Would you marry any one of your myspace friends? I guess I had Thai on myspace-yesh.

Do you have aim? I used to.

What is your aim name? rentXaXpunkess.

What is the best bottled water out there? I hate dysani and evian.  Fuji is sposed to be good.  I dont drink it that much.  Maybe I hate all of them.

When you go to the mall what is one store that you go into every time? h&m, those evil bastards.  Give me my soul back.  My closet is FUUUUUULLLLLLLL.

MySpace or Facebook? Facebook.

What’s on your bedside table?  A "disco" strobe light from the 1960s.  I dont sleep in this room.  But that is my bed.  So therefore that is the table beside my bed.

What is the geekiest part of your music collection? 1980s ska.

What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? depends.

high: peanut butter and crackers or something with melty cheese

drunk: something fried-hopefully chicken

sober-a glass of water and maybe a half sandwhich if im starving.

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? Graveyard for Fireflies

Do you have a completely irrational fear? Someone coming up the stairs behind me.  Whoever it i, even if I know them I try and get them ahead of me.

What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? lip ring chewing

Do you ever have to beg?  I have breasts.

Do you know anyone famous? Rick.  Musician.  Very awkward moment just happend.  Some of Thai’s pals were listening to his old band’s cd.  And i was like….Do I say I fucked him or what.  It would be funny.  But I was like….Uhhh middle road "Hey I used to date him".  Canadian Men LOVE his old band.  I became a diety that day.

Describe your bed. low to the ground, broken fouton.  I told Thai i broke it walking on it.

Um yeah.  In several places.  Totally.

Spontaneous or plan? Usually planned for maximum activity per millesecond.

Who should play you in a movie about your li

fe? Im often told I look Like Chritina Ricca but Im pulling for Ellen Page or Thora Birch. 

Do you know how to play poker? Yes, If by that do you mean "do you know how to pretend youre drunk so you can look at other peoples cards and they wont notice or care"

What do you carry with you at all times? Ipod, Money, Mirror, red lipstick, Planner, Pen, Sunglasses, Wallet, Keys, all in my purse.

How do you cycle? what does this mean?

What do you miss most about being little? Everything.  Thats why I chew mushrooms.

Are you happy with your given name? No its horrid.

How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? I’d probably hold old for $20 000 so I could pay off my loan.

What color is your bedroom? White.  The whole damn apartment is white.

What was the last song you were listening to? Dont know what its called.  Its by the guillemots.

Have you ever been in a play? Several.

Have you ever had your heart broken? YESH

Who are your best friends? Em, and Thai.

Have you ever been in love? Yes

Do you talk a lot?  Often.  Mostly I rant.

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? Yes

Do you think you’re cute? I sure goddamn am.

Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? on an individual basis.  I work in a public library by a few choice shelters.  So Its almost like having coworkers that annoy me.  Only they arent paid (or theyd be unpoor cuz kittens, I get paid WELL)

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Until you cross me.

Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend, or your friends? Boyfriend.  He lives with me.

What is you ideal marriage location? somewhere cheap.

What musical instrument do you wish you could play? Guitar, harp, trumpet.

Favorite fabric?Dotted Swiss (damn textile science student eh).  Its this fabric they dont really make anymore.  Often it features a flower print, covered over by little white dots.  I stole a dress from a vintage shop once because it was made of immitation dotted swiss (dots werent raised) and it angered me that it should be so expensive when it was only imitation dotted swiss.  Its also one of my favourite dresses LOL.

What kind of soap do you use? This wine scented soap from Peir 1

What’s the one language you want to learn? Spanish

How do you eat an apple?  Usually I eat apples when Im tripping balls on hallucingenic drugs.  Otherwise I find them bland.

What do you order at a bar? whatever matches my outfit out of the following:

amaretto sour

blue lagoon

rye and coke


straberry daquiri

b 52

dr. pepper

singapore sling

malibu rum and pineapple

liquid cocaine


Have you ever pierced your body parts? no but I stretched my ears myself with various arts and crafts implements.

Do you have tattoos? yesh

Do you drive stick? No.

What’s one trait you hate in a person?  Religious Zeal.

Favorite writing instrument? Sharpie

What’s one car you will never buy?  I agree with OK Panic.   A Hummer.  Fucking ew.

What kind of books do you like to read? Often memoirs.  But not always.

If you won the lottery, what would you do first?  Take care of my mom.  Not with a hitman, with a new automobile and the home of her desires.

Burial or cremation? Dying is for the weak.

How many online journals do you read regularly? 2

If you don’t like a person, how do you show it?  I tell them and the person who introduced us also.  It seems harsh but the people I like, know Im not kidding about how much I like them.

Do you cry in front of friends? I cry in front of everyone.  I never used to.  My first big break up really hit hard though and ever since then, fuck it.  I cry like a small child.

What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? I get called intimidating a lot.  Which is hilarious.  Because Im a big awkward dork.

What’s one thing you like to do alone?  OK Panic was right but I wanted to come up with something different, so since shitting is taken…unpacking.  I dont need anyone there.  Its weird.

When’s the last time you cried?  This week when I invited everyone I know to my house for a dance party with only 4 days notice and no one could show up. 

Favorite communication method? hand written letters

Can you type with your eyes closed? yar

Can you ski? cross country.  I fear downhill.

Can you speak in sign language? I can finger spell.  And I remember random words like monster, toilet, and french fry.  So if a a monster is eating your frenchfry in a toilet I can probably let you know.

Can you do the butterfly stroke? meow?

Can you say the alphabet backwards effortlessly? I can do few things effortlessly.

Can you tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue? Yes but not effortlessly.  So it isnt sexy, its laborious.  But I think that makes it more sexy.  Because who wants a girl licking his cock who only does things that she finds easy.  I pour my heart into my mouth work.

cherries.  Umm.  Imma go to sleep now.

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August 19, 2008