I need to stop ranting….someday.

2011 is proving so far to be a much better year than last.  2010: Abortion, moldy apartment, near breakdown from working too much, and Em getting date raped and taking it out on me because I offered to go to councilling with her (thus implying that she should have councilling).  2011: lots of burlesque shows, moving soon, Im busy but Im good busy. 


I went to a party at Tris’ house the other night.  It was awkward because it has basically a high school reunion.  But I went because I never go to parties anymore and I miss seeing some of the people.    I was shooting dice.   Oh did I mention the party was actually in a back alley of China Town in the 1930s?  HAHA my exgirlfriend was there and taught everyone to play some weird dice game.  Anyways, I was shooting dice and Lucy came up to me (for new readers: she was my best friend and then she slept with my first ever boyfriend behind my back for a year, she’s engaged to him now and likes to phone me whenever they’re having problems but gets mad at me when I tell her he’s shitty.)  So she came up to me and said "oh god Little Brother, Allen, and Linus are all talking to eachother.  I’ve slept with all of them.  Its sooooo weeeeeird".  And I tried to be nice by saying "ya Ive had momments like that.  Its definetly a weird feeling."  And she goes "ya, that would have happened to me but I left town."


ok bitch


a) I was trying to be nice

b)I did leave town


c) IT DID happen to you, hence the start of our conversation.


So I looked around and said the only thing I could say

"actually I take that back.  The only guys Ive slept with here are my boyfriend, and yours."

I think my nice bone is broken because I still think it was pretty damn funny.

oh and I lost at dice.  But the only thing I had to bet was a plastic comb from a vintage strawberry shortcake doll.  I lost it to my exgirlfriend.  No big deal, I got my heart back from her earlier in the night when she told m about being at a party and making out with an ugly girl by accident, and then forcing her husband to so he wouldn’t make fun of her later.

That could be me.  Phew.

Anyways, thanks to the people who have been so nice to me while I deal with my reproductive rights struggle. 

And to people who are still saying shitty, judgemental things (mostly anonymously….except for the 26 year old with the teen stache….so sad.)  Its so great that everything you do is perfect and works out awesome.  Good for you.  And if you would like to "chop my vagina off", instead write a letter to my representative about how it is unfair that I can’t have my tubes tied until I turn 30 and or pop out several children.  I’d love to have my tubes tied.  My boyfriend and I have both been trying to get permanent forms of birth control for years.  We’re too young and have no kids so nobody will help us.  The pills are actually a health risk.  I know this society loves hawking them but isn’t it fucked that they want you to be at risk from life threatening illnesses rather than risk an abortion?  If your so fucking prolife, you should be against the pill.  It can kill ladies who are undeniably alive.  Condoms are usually physically a problem for us.  But we’re still searching for that special condom, the one that will light up our lives. 

Deepest appologies to those that are offended that I dont want to pass my mental illness on to another generation, perpetuate the cycle of poverty I live in, and add another human being no one is going to give a shit about to this overcrowded, sad planet.  You’re right I am super selfish. 

Is it just me or does it suck that people like me dont have kids and people like teen stache do?  Pregnant people should have to explain to the children in foster homes why exactly they decided to pop one out instead of adopt.  "sorry kid, you’re not good enough because you don’t share any of my DNA.  And your not a little baby.  What I really want is a little baby.  Theyre special".


Ok Im done ranting.  Off to sew a new burlesque costume.  Alice and Wonderland theme!  I’m the Dormouse and the white rabbit and the rose bush that gets painted red.  YAY




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