Girl suffers inclimate weather, music, & romance

As of Wednesday Thai and I have been together a month.  Now I’m not one of those ridiculous little nymphs who calls it an anniversary and demands a gift.  However, not only was it not mentioned but the plans we did have didn’t happen.  Worse than that, I was stood up.  I was supposed to meet him at the pub for pub quiz night and he just didn’t show.  He didn’t call he didnt email and appologize.  He didnt bother.  Stood up on my One Month whatever the fuck you want to call it.  I wont argue symantics because no matter how you slice it, that’s a move that will land you on anyone’s shitlist.  So I expressed slight annoyance, verified with my scientific experts (namely Arlington and Val Nice Rack) that I wasn;t being unreasonable.  Then I went to bed.  In the morning still nothing.  No apology or explanation or even a hello-how-are-ya. 

deep shit insued.

I was fuming all day at work, sometime around 7 I managed to simmer down and ignore it.  After all I was in my happy place.  No one can bother me at work.  It is me, the books, and a bunch of people that don’t live in the same county as anyone else I know.  As a great cartoon beagle once said  "Happiness is".

Then I get this call from the desk, but I dont answer it cuz its the wrong line and I dont have to.  So my coworker actually abandons her post to come get me in my office.  "Thai is here to see you".  First thought:  who is this Thai person who needs to visit me at work.  Do I know anyone named Thai who might be collecting my OSAP loan or informing me a close relative has died.  Hrm.  Then I laugh.  Surely Thai isnt visiting me at work.  Surely Thai isnt visiting me at work when Im mad at him.  Surely Thai isnt visiting me at work when Im mad at him and then dragging me out of my office.

To my coworker, a woman I barely know in her sixties I say "this better be damned important because Id hate to have to kill him in public".  Im a charmer.

So it is him.  Its him and he wants to talk to me.  I tell him to leave.  I turn around and go back to my office.  I hear him knocking on the staff door which he doesnt realize is just to a hallway that leads to 3 other offices before my own and anyone in any of them is going to wonder who the sweet fuck is knocking on an unlocked staff door at a library.  So I go around the back way and hand him a note which is sharpied on a scrap of paper and written in writing that looks half crazed "This is Wildly inappropriate.  Please Disappear".  I never claimed to be dateable.

a half an hour later I had to go out and I stood outside the door praying he’d be gone.  he was.  Good goddamn ridance.  I immediately wrote him a ferociously angry email.  I got home 2 hours later and he had yet to respond.  Finally in the middle of the night I got a hold of him myself and we had a giant pathetic arguement.  I do not like fighting.  In fact I havent fought with a boyfriend since Rummy which was over a year ago and we only fought cuz he was an alcoholic.  Before that I hadnt fought with a boyfriend since Rick and he was on drugs that made him biligerent.  And before that….I hadnt fought with a boyfriend.  Ever.  I just dont see the damn point.  If youre so unhappy you cant compromise than why are you together?  The fight went on for hours and he lacked any confidence so that I had to defend him against myself or run him right into the ground, which I didnt want to do.  I ended up agreeing to give him a second chance because maybe he just is that inexperienced.  Maybe he really does have no goddamn clue.  Maybe I just gave him a second chance because he was going away to record this weekend and I didnt want to kill his buzz.  Whatever.

He wrote me a love letter.  Im not easily bought this way.  Ive dated enough smooth talking musicians and amateur poets that a peice of fullscap isnt going to buy any of my time.  Ive already planned to go out with Em on Valentines day.  her boyfriend is in england as thats where we keep the British usually, if we can.  I spose they leak out from time to time.  So we’re going to get wildly drunk together and not let anyone disappoint us on our goddamn valentines day.

And maybe Im secretly hoping we both get emotionally devastated and fuck.


I got my new tattoo on friday.  I had to drive to toronto in a really bad blizzard.  Toronto is 1.5 hours from here tops but that day it took nearly 5 hours.  I stopped in at Linus and Lucy’s just long enough to gain enough composure to druve through downtown toronto to my appointment.  Charlie was the only one home so I promised Id stop in afterwards.  The tattoo artist gave me a girl boner.  Hes cute and had a very nice grip.  He fixed my bra strap a couple of times.  I spose it was in the way or something.  I dont know I hadnt been laid ina  week and a man adjusting a strap of my undergarments was enough to make me seriously consider trying to fuck him post appointment.  However I was also hungry and agitated from the drive so I only thought about it.  But goddamn.  Ladies.  Evan at yonge street tattoos.  Go.  be touched 😛  He also does a fine job tattooing.  Anyways the appointment was a bit of a drag because he had elvis and rancid playing the whole time and I do not enjoy elvis or rancid.  I just wanted to go soooo remember when rancid was good and by that I mean remember when they were operation ivy?  HAHAHAHA.  But then he had the needle and the permanent ink so whatever makes him not fuck that up is a good song.  Its a stunning peice and I love it.  Someone brought in their new baby to the library during my unveilling and ruined it.  Hello the world is overpopulated, fuck new babies look at this great ink!

I popped into Linus and Lucy’s before driving home and shared some chinese.  the guys helped me work out some prop issues with my burlesque act.  I got some comic books, some graffiti stickers, a pocket mirror, and a hot new outfit for christmas from them.  They all got bombed on patron and tried to get me to stay and drink with them.  When I was leaving they were high, drunk, and paranoid and scared the shit out of me "VALENTINE you cant drive int his its soooooo scary".  Dudes Im sober.  You cant drive in this.  I will be fine.  Lucy:  I cant stand up.  HAHAHAHAHA my point exactly.  So I drove home.  It took only 3 hours this time.  Funny enough the roads were better and the accidents were worse.  People are fucking dumb.  After driving only 60 in a 100 all day I couldnt convince myself to go more than 80 on the way home.  But others were different.  So there was a huge fucking accident.

People.  Goddamn.

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February 4, 2008

RYN: I can at least say that I am not a virgin. I have had one intimate encounter before. (Or well it was like four times.) Still less than you can count on one hand and I found out that she had no feelings for me afterwards. T_T I wish someone would have been proactive with me sometime. I used to be confident but failures have sadly shattered all I’ve had.

February 4, 2008

RYN: Though I would not be surprised if spontaneous combustion found me before a woman did.

February 5, 2008

oh, and I will read your stuff. For real and stuff. Soon. (and stuff)

February 8, 2008

your note to thai!is ADORABLE. Seriously. From one girl who never claimed to be dateable to another, kudos.