A life reanimated: when friendship Zombies attack

So I’m finally back in the saddle of having a life again.  And it scares me.  I’m anxious as to how I am going to balance shit out.  What with the Risk club, various friendships, Donkey grooming, burlesque, school, writing and work.  Somethings going to implode.

But why?

I used to do it.  I used to do theatre, church stuff 4 or more nights a week, volunteering, work, high school, and social life.  Why am I afraid that 16 year old me had her shit together more so than 25 year old me.

Whats looming over my horizon?  Well building upon the bare minimum life style I have going on now with my home life with Thai, and work I have added, revised, and revived some interests to make my life a little more satisfying and a lot less about being a holy fucking hermit.

I signed up for a class again this year, after taking a year off from Library school because I hate it because its mostly OBVIOUS shit and Im only paying a few thousand dollars to get a paper that lots of libraries dont even give a shit about.  Most libraries either want you to have gone to university where as I only attend college, or they dont care what you did after high school because they realize that to check out books you barely have to be literate.  And thats what I do.  I check out books.  As long as I am aware of the privacy act and I dont project personal opinions Im doing a good job.  I do not need 21 college credits for this shit.  But I went back because over my year I off I completely forgot how sucky it is to waste time on a waste of time.

Theres a burlesque show coming up in the fall.  Also theres one in a week but I only offered to dance in that one if they have some sort of emergency.  I didnt really have the time and frankly we are from two different worlds, their troupe and mine.  My troupe is about vintage underwear and classic performance, their troupe practices at a yoga studio and is contemplating shaving their pits for the stage (glamourous, ladies.  Fucking glamourous).  My troupe serves beer and burgs and icecream at their after parties, their troupe serves vegan snacks and wine.  So I dont know how their going to like my shaved cooch wiggling about in a metric fuck tonne of red feathers.  Nor do I care.  As I said I offered in case f emergency because I know we had a terrible time with people last minute fucking off last summer.  So If Im helping them out of a bind, they can forgive the slaughter of chickens and unwanted body hair that precedes my dance.

Friendships.  Omigod I have them.  Both overseas and here at home I have tried to rekindle the flames of friendship that I had been neglecting or had been neglecting me.  I wrote a billion catch up letters to my penpals last month, I set up a RISK club (I know LOOOOSER.  But my life cant be all smut and sequins.  Some of it has to be dork-shit to balance me out).  Oh and Val Nice Rack and I are supposed to have tea soon…by soon I mean last Saturday but I forgot her.  I suck at life.  I was SERIOUSLY at home ordering her a present from etsy.com instead of drinking coffee with her in person.  It slipped my mind and I dont even look at my day planner anymore because it never says anything interesting. 

The most bizarre friendship-reanimation (friendship zombie?) I have in the works is yet another Valentine.  We shall call her Tine though.  Tine and I were friends in high school.  Me her and Lucy actually.  Then Tine became sort of an ass because her boyfriend was sort of an ass and we all drifted apart.  Well she and the ass broke up and she went on to art school, and then textile art school out East.  Now we are planning to get together next week to organize a local craft show which may be a huge mistake and I’d worry more about that but Im hoping Thai’s friends who own a club down town will give us the space for free…in which case the worst that can happen is noone sells everything, we pocket the table fees from the other sellers, and never ever try to be part of the downtown revival scene again.  Im planning to switch my focus from cute knits to kinky panties during this craft sale.  Should be grand.

As for Donkey Grooming….2 more sleeps!!!!  The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada isn’t too far from my home and I am going ot take up volunteering there this weekend.  They have training sessions once a month where you learn to groom donkeys and then you can arrange to come any day you like with the barn manager.  The goal is to get the donkeys to be comfortable with humans again as many of them are abandonned pets or even abused animals.  The focus of my time there is quality not quantity.  I can groom a donkey as long as I like with no pressure to have mass-results.  Also they like people to photograph their donkeys for the website.  Which means not only will they allow me to take photos but they actually WANT me running around taking pictures of their critters.  I am sooooo excited.  I love photographing animals.  My computer is chock full of pictures of my own personal beasts and those beasts that live at the Toronto zoo.  Spruce up Donkeys!  I’m coming to getcha!

…I guess sprucing them up is my job now.

even better.  And you know Im going to be taking a fake unicorn horn with me to unicornify those mothas.


Well Im off to work on something crafty and foxy.  Like sewing gold fringe to a nude thong so I can shimmy-shake to Lydia the Tattooed Lady.

PS did I mention the RISK club now involves costumes?  Ima  warpainted pirate.



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