The Perfect Human Civilization:
This is a thought experiment: I’m going to pretend I have a time machine and I can bring together all the greatest humans who’ve ever lived (not including religious figures, to avoid offending anyone) I will assume everyone all can understand each other and speak the same language… Here is my list –
1. Science, Invention and Engineering – Thomas Edison; Marie Curie;
2. Art and Music – Leonardo Da Vinci; Michelangelo; Sylvie Guillem; Mozart;
3. Philosophy and Education – Plato; Aristotle; Hannah Arendt;
4. Legal Theory and Governance – Benjamin Franklin; Sandra Day O’ Connor; Thomas Jefferson
5. Humanism and Civil Society – Eleanor Roosevelt; Clara Barton; Woodrow Wilson;
6. Literature and Entertainment – Will Shakespeare; Emily Dickinson; Charlotte Bronte; Charlie Chaplin; Lucille Ball;
7. Business and Industry – Henry Ford; Bill Gates; Warren Buffet; Sam Walton; Meg Whitman; Elon Musk
8. Pure hotness – The Victoria’s Secret Angels; Johnny Depp; Brad Pitt; George Clooney; Grace Kelly; anyone who’s ever dated Adam Levine… :);
Zhang Zhiyi; Song Hye-Gyo; Kristin Kreuk; Olivia Munn, Cindy Crawford; Brooke Shields; Paulina Porizkova; Halle Berry; Angelina Jolie
I think that’s a good start…