You people without faith make me sick!

I just read an entry that declared that Santa Claus is not real.

Decrying Santa as a “myth”… Where do such people get off??

I left the following note because I was so upset:

“You aclauseists drive me crazy. You have to have faith!

Santa is real, I know because I’ve felt his presence.”

Seriously, how can a person be a good and moral person without faith in Santa? Where do we get our morals from?

Not only that, but think of all the good things done because of faith in Santa…

AND! It gives me hope and comfort when I’m alone at night and I talk to Santa in the dark. Feeling Santa’s presence makes him real enough to me to believe in him no matter what “evidence” aclauseists try to present to me.

There is direct historical records of Saint Nicholas who was transformed into the powerful Santa.

In fact, there are more direct records we have of St. Nick’s existence and deeds than we have of Socrates… but people don’t have any problem believing that Socrates exists!

Santa forgive them, they know not what they do.

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November 24, 2004

This here’s the Early Bird, out to catch the, uh, words! These are quite amusing! ;o) Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2004

Would you like a pan to catch the droplets?

Well I believe in Santa.

November 24, 2004

read my entry, please, please, please!!!! Another question: Why do you strive to make fun of us? Not all of us or offended by what you do and thos of us that do react apparently haven’t read Proverbs thouroughly ~Love in Christ~ ~Bonnie~

November 24, 2004

Santa’s real. Coca-Cola says so.

Hee hee hee!! 🙂

November 24, 2004

Santa is my rock. of course he’s real. =)

November 24, 2004

well i must be a hell of a bad person because santa has never brought me presents…not that ive ever had a chimney that he could come in through……damnit, i was cheated out of my presents bc i had no chimney!!!!!!

Hey, I just checked out your pictures, and not bad at all. I know weÂ’re not supposed to like each other and you hate my God and everything, butÂ…I donÂ’t know where IÂ’m going with this. Have a nice day.

November 24, 2004

You keep rehashing the same stuff. It’s not as solid an argument or amuzing as you seem to think it is. Stating and restating doesn’t help. I mean seriously, how many times have you done the santa thing or the unicorn thing or the fill in the blank thing to spoof christians? If you’re shooting for comedy you need fresher material, if you’re trying your hand at debate, pick a solid argument.

November 24, 2004

haredawg, you’re boring.

LOLOLOLOL I laughed till I cried!

wow, I just looked at your pictures. You look nothing like i expected, in a good way. btw the above unsigned note is me also, sorry, Im not loged in right now. [lillake]

November 25, 2004

I do believe in Santa..always have.

November 25, 2004

So… … a Christian goth girl wants you to respect each other’s beliefs, Scarlett O’Whore wants to bed you despite being repressed and religious, and haredawg wants to teach you how to ‘debate’. Mate, that’s priceless.

Haha…I love reading your notes…maybe one day I should read your entries, eh?

Wow…I never have looked at your front page before…I didn’t know you had pictures. Has anyone ever told you you look like Gilbert Godfrey in the “cringing” one??? Wow…that’s so odd…

November 25, 2004

Santa is an anagram for Satan, you know…

November 25, 2004

Oh okay, I looked around your diary, it’s one of those atheist ones. I get bored with “Issue” diaries that are trying to promote their point of view. I don’t like the political diaries, I don’t like the religious fanatic diaries, and I don’t like the atheist diaries.

November 25, 2004

darlingnikki I don’t like boring notes. So we’re even. Awesome.

November 25, 2004

You know what’s boring? Comunism. Santa never brought presents to Comunists. BUT he loved us! well..Canadians. I had presents from Santa and the flying Dradle. Typ best of both worlds. Now if i did the Ramadan thing i could keep the pounds off from the kafilta fish and turkey… I think tri religious is the way to go. but not communist. no. Better dead than Red I say!

November 25, 2004

And if i go for the Taoism stuff i could get laid a lot more…or the Jedi thing. A glowing sword would kick ass. Or Hinduism…who doesnt need 230 million gods on your side!!! Or whorship Kahless. Slaughter your enemies with a Bat’leth…err.ok I’m a geek. but at least i’m not a commie red

November 25, 2004

*yawn* Again, I fail to see the significance. Santa Claus does not pass the test of defeaters included in religious experience arguments. This appears to be grandstanding to me. There is a lack of texts to support the Santa tradition, etc. There is a large number of details that will prove there is no such thing, etc, etc. Isn’t this just more rhetoric? Let’s talk real arguments!

santa is an anagram for satan? then god is an anagram for dog…

November 25, 2004

[darlingnikki] I don’t like bible belt diaries…. oh yeah…that’s not a religious thing?

“I don’t think I will tell my kids that Santa is real. I remember very much thinking that he was, and I remember the feeling when my mom told me that he wasn’t. Spirit of Santa, of Christmas, blah blah…there wasn’t a fat man in a red suit that gave presents to people. Of course this is also a Christian holiday,” Interesting…does that mean Santa is a Christian, also??

November 27, 2004

Anyone read The Vicar of Nibbleswick by Roald Dahl? Seeing as this is heading towards anagrams… it’s quite funny

November 29, 2004

I donÂ’t believe in Santa, but I believe in Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. I saw his head mounted on someoneÂ’s wall, so that was proof enough for me. However, if you mount SantaÂ’s head on your wall, IÂ’ll start believing in Santa, too. Eric

ROFL! Funny stuff!