Vester – God is reasonable…apparently

be reasonable on this one, those who gave their lives to God before Christ and did God’s will and loved him with their whole heart, do you honestly think that he’s going to send them to hell? on the other hand you’d have to know Jesus in order to know what some people are talking about instead of make so many assumptions acting smart [Vester]

Be reasonable? Is this human reason or God’s reason? Are you believing that God would act in a certain way because you couldn’t understand how a Good God would act otherwise?

Ghandi heard of Jesus, and yet was not a Christian – “be reasonable on this one” – God wouldn’t send Ghandi to hell, right? He’s Ghandi!

What’s bizarre in your beliefs – as you’ve represented them is the following:

You wrote: those who gave their lives to God before Christ and did God’s will and loved him with their whole heart, do you honestly think that he’s going to send them to hell?

Which implies that people could go to heaven before Jesus came around…which makes Jesus’ sacrifice unnecessary.

If people could go to heaven and hell before Jesus – why did Jesus need to come at all? There’s a standard in place that determines who goes to heaven and hell. Jesus coming down is like changing the rules half-way through the game.

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January 29, 2005

You gentiles are so funny. Jesus died for the goyim. I mean seriously. God and his kid were jews, buddha was a little brown feller as was Muhammad, the great spirit a red guy, Odin , janus and zeus were caucasoidal, but they weren’t the nice kind of god, they liked to fuck with people, you were best off out of their sight. So jesus died so gentiles could have a do-right kind of diety.

January 29, 2005

God is loving and quick to anger, is it reasonable for somebody to throw away a gift that someone gave them for free?

January 29, 2005

So, let’s say there really is a God..this One God, but you still didn’t believe in him…what would it take for you to believe? what would you demand as proof to convince you? it’s nothing i expect analyzed, it’s just a very simple, elementary question…

January 29, 2005

Gosh. Chill; let him practice his religion. He’s got every right to beleive what he does with his whole heart and mind as you do. –Matt

January 29, 2005

“instead of make so many assumptions” lol

January 29, 2005

God is loving and quick to anger, is it reasonable for somebody to throw away a gift that someone gave them for free? [Vester] Woewah, God is very patient actually. He is quite the gentleman, I know from experience and from others testimonies.

January 29, 2005

Gosh. Chill; let him practice his religion. He’s got every right to beleive what he does with his whole heart and mind as you do. –Matt [Matteo Al Monty] Are you trying to change my behavior of trying to change other’s behaviors? Or perhaps you’re trying to change my belief that others should persuaded to change their beliefs?

January 29, 2005

“what would it take for you to believe?” To believe what about him? That He exists? If He revealed Himself to me alone as a voice I’d probably think I’ve gone insane, but if he revealed himself to the whole world by talking to everyone at once – that would help.

January 29, 2005

To believe that he’s all-powerful? I doubt that I could be convinced of that – I can’t imagine what demonstration of power would convince me of the “all” part – I could be convinced of an “exceedingly” powerful God if, say, the stars were arranged to be viewed from earth a message of God’s power over the stars…

January 29, 2005

That he’s all-good? Again, I doubt that could be demonstrated to me, especially if he were exceedingly powerful – I could always doubt whether he were powerful enough to fool me of his good-ness if he were bad. That he should be followed? He’d have to make a good case for that (even if I were convinced that the Christian God existed as described, I wouldn’t follow THAT God for moral reasons).

January 30, 2005

I’m not trying to change anything about you, cause those are almost always futile efforts. But I just think you’re being just a little overly critical of this guy. –Matt