The holocaust happened, regardless of how you feel

Before I became a Christian I wandered about in my faith. I was a Wiccan prior to my finding Christianity…not a strong one but a Wiccan none the less….but with Wicca I was never fulfilled in my faith. I felt empty.

Then I met my husband. He came from a strong Christian family and he did not push me to become Christian but opened my mind to it gently. You see the reason I avoided Christianity was because every Christian I ever met said one thing and did another….something that undid everything they talked about. This is just not the way it was with him and his family.

So I went with him to church one day….and it was like no other church I had ever stepped into. You felt welcome, and you truly felt the Holy spirit in the room with you…I know I did that day.

At the end of the service, the pastor asked that anyone who wanted to be loved and accepted by the Lord Jesus Christ to say a prayer with him, that very day and that we would be forgiven by Jesus and come into His kindom.

I prayed that prayer that day….and I try my best to walk in the path that the Lord wants me to walk in every moment. – .Journey in Christ. (entry)

I’m posting this not to specifically target the person who posted this, but it’s something that I see in general.

Note why this person thinks that the Bible is true/Jesus existed/rose again/is alive today/forgives her/heaven exists.

Because she felt nice at a ceremony where they talked about that.

What response SHOULD a person who stated the following get?

I wasn’t feeling very fulfilled with the accounts of the holocaust given to me by “history books” … I felt empty and sad about it.  Then I met Steve. Steve was a kind and caring man who told the truth a lot, and seemed like a generally good person.  He was a member of a holocaust denier group that met every Thursday night. He wasn’t pushy with his beliefs, but he opened up my mind to it gently.

So I went with him to one of his weekly meetings…and it was like no other meeting I had ever gone to…  I felt welcome, and I truly felt like the truth was present with this group.

At the end of the meeting, the president of the group invited everyone who felt like they wanted to be happy and satisfied with the history of the world to say a little chant with him denying the holocaust.

I chanted that chant that day, and I try my best to walk the path of a holocaust denier in every moment.

I mean what the HELL do your feelings about a story have anything to do with REALITY?

What kind of place would this be if this thinking were accepted as valid in more areas than history?

“It makes me happier to believe that bleach won’t kill me if I drink it.”  – that’s fantastic, but it’ll kill ya anyway.

The writers of the red and the blue text above should be smacked on the wrist with a ruler and told sternly, “No.”

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December 8, 2004

Holocaust denial is one of those things that pisses me off to no end. I took advanced history/religion classes in college that specifically discussed the holocaust. I don’t understand how people can claim that it was “all made up.” You do raise an interesting point with this.

December 8, 2004

Bleach will kill you if you drink it? Well damn. You learn something new every day.

December 8, 2004

I lost family in the Holocaust… Frankly this whole planet makes me sick. The reason I ahve so little faith in God is that people worship him. What a foul design to create creatures like us. How frail a being we are to fear an idea and to follow an idea with blind faith. I know what ATB was getting at ..but frankly it just sickens me that we have lived like that for such a long time.

Once again, you raise some interesting points on religion fanatacism. (sp?) Funny how some Christians are such because it “feels good” like the person in red text said…but they denounce doing anything else that “feels good,” like drugs, wild sex and partying your head off. I must say, however, that going with the “feels good” approach is a pretty good way to choose a religion. If it doesn’t (c)

(c) make you happy, then its time for a change. Which is why I left Christianity in my early teens, and am now somewhat of a pagan/spiritualist/something-or-other. *shrugs* I make it up as I go.

December 9, 2004

Some of us didn’t choose Christianity just because we felt good about it. Some of us researched it carefully and discovered the truth….and because of that…we believe.

I kinda have to agree with you on this, Mr. Bum. Too many people get so wrapped up in the feelings of religion that they never really reach the meaning of Christianity: a relationship with the Creator. I read a quote one day that said “It is against my relationship to have a religion.” It’s so true! Too many churches these days use emotionalism and religion to get people to become Christians.

December 9, 2004

To begin with, you’re comparing apples to oranges. Belief in the non-existence of the holocaust is widely different than belief in a god/s. But, on your general thrust, I happen to agree. I came to faith by evaluating all the worldviews, and I chose the one that made the most sense to the way I see life. I would prefer more Christians would be on that train,it would make more sense, for sure.

December 9, 2004

“Belief in the non-existence of the holocaust is widely different than belief in a god/s.” All right, then consider that I’m only concerned with the historical claims made – that Jesus existed, died, rose again – based off of how she feels about that. In that scope, my analogy fits perfectly.

December 10, 2004

No, I still don’t believe it is. The time aspect still has to be considered. There are all kinds of people still alive today who ‘purportedly’ lived through the Holocaust. The same can’t be said of Christianity. It’s an unfair example. Try something like the Romans invading Judea in 70 AD or something of that ilk. I guess I’m just being picky, but the examples don’t seem remotely alike to me.

December 10, 2004

Your holocaust example fits atheism better, a statement of disbelief. The red is a person affirming their belief, the blue a person reveling in their disbelief. I too lost family in the holocaust, but I think deniers are just silly stupid people, not a scourge that must be made to know the “truth”. I mean what are silly stupid going to do with the truth, bum?

December 10, 2004

What is truth, is truth unchanging law? We both have truths are mine the same as your?” — From the Pontius Pilate song in Jesus Christ Superstar. I’d qoute scriptures atcha but shoot even the devil can qoute scriptures.

December 10, 2004

You seem very angry about something that I dont think you really understand. Still, if this is what you’re angry about, there is tons of evidence out there concerning this that could be presented to you. You can choose to believe it or not, but one thing is clear- the evidence is very very real and it demands a decision from anyone who hears it.

December 10, 2004

P.S. The holocaust DID happen. Good analogy.

feelings are one way we perceive the reality — faith is a matter of personal choice — there is no logic behind it since there is no solid scientific proof of God’s existence — i agree with you that people should think more in general than just going with the flow, but faith is not a valid arena for plain logical thinking

religion is by nature not cerebral. it requires a person to think about things that are not rational. it has very much to do with “soul” and “feelings” because it’s FAITH. jesus lived and was crucified. the resurrection is where the faith and feel-good truth stuff comes in. there’s no hard evidence one way or the other, whereas there is concrete proof (piles of shoes, anyone?) that it happened. why be contemptuous of a woman who believes in jesus

“there is tons of evidence out there concerning this that could be presented to you. You can choose to believe it or not, but one thing is clear- the evidence is very very real and it demands a decision from anyone who hears it” holocaust-deniers can present tons of “evidence” as well. to what standard to we hold them both? -canadagirltn

December 16, 2004

All you’re seeing is what she wrote, not the continuous relationship between her and Christ. There is proof that God exists all around us – His creation. I’m sorry, but I just can’t believe that a ‘BIG BANG’ created this complexity of a universe. And Darwin even fessed up and said that the whole evolution thing was just a theory and that it had some major holes.