Terrible Things are going to happen…

(Made some corrections to the numbering – my corrections are in [brackets].)

Ok, Christ-follower here to point out some things.

I’m not a “Christ-follower”, neither am I a “Jesus-follower”.

1. God did NOT leave his message complete, we just haven’t finished “reading” it, in a way. You have to try to start thinking fifth-dimensionally, outside of time.

To start thinking outside of time? How to you “begin” something w/o time?

2. God knows your heart, no matter what. You must remember that.

God isn’t real – remember that. (What, you have a problem with unsupported assertions?  Me too.)

3. It wasn’t an automatic payment, like so many think it is. What Christ did was take the “bill” and basically say to you “If you want Me to pay this for you, then it’s done. Don’t worry about it. But you have to tell me that you want it paid for.” This ties in to [2], about God knowing your heart. If you don’t accept the payment, then it isn’t paid. Simple as that. It’s like if I wrote you a cheque. Yeah, the payment is there, but you don’t reap the benefit unlessy you go to the bank and cash it.

I thought the payment was to God?

Quick parable (I know how you guys love the parables) –

A guy owes money and is taken to court.
Before this defendent is sent to debter’s prison, the judge kills himself for money and gives it to the plaintiff.

The defendent doesn’t believe happened or that he owes any money.
However, the plaintiff has his money – so why would the man go to prison?

A Christian judge (if acting like his alleged perfect Judge) would send the man to prison if he does not know that the money was paid to the plaintiff, but will send him free if he does know that the money was paid to the plaintiff.

I am confused, however, that if the judge pays the plaintiff what is owed by the man.

What does that man has to do with any of it anymore?

I mean it’s a case where either
A: the judge kills himself and gives the required amount to the plaintiff – and the defendant believes that it happened.
B: the judge kills himself and gives the required amount to the plaintiff – and the defendant does not believe that it happened.

How does one of those satisfy the law, and the other NOT satisfy the law? How do you get that one works, the other doesn’t?

And [4]. If you decide to reject this at first, it’s always there for you. You can go cash the cheque any time after it’s offered. But, total rejection of God (“Stay out of my life, I don’t need you, I hate you, etc.”) is like ripping up the cheque. You might not get another chance at it.

So if I go to hell – and it’s a fun time, I can stay. But if I decide that it stinks, and that heaven might be better I could go then?  Sounds more fair than most conceptions.

[5]. You don’t have to “do” anything but believe. How simple is that!!! [yowiegrrl]

It’s funny, when I’m told: Believe this CRAZY thing happened hundreds of years ago – OR YOU’LL SUFFER FOREVER. (Especially when I’m told by people who’s income and power depends upon convincing people that they are useful.)  I get suspicious. Especially when they start praising this thing they call “believing without evidence an incredible story” – as though THAT is a PRAISEWORTHY way of living.

Look, this terrible thing is going to happen to you – but we can make it go away if you just force yourself to believe without evidence that an incredible thing happened.

What kind of a request is that? How noble, how meritorious, how deserving these people who can believe a bunch of hooey.  How commendable a person is who can do this! We should fire a cannon!

A Good and Noble and Just God will SURELY save and reward those that can believe without evidence that a miracle happened a long time ago.

A Good and Noble and Just God MUST punish and torture forever anyone that has doubts about allegedly miraculous events that happened a long time ago. It’s HIS LAW – and we all know that HIS LAW is Just. 

We know that HIS LAW is Just because why? Anyone? 

 —–   Because we believe without evidence that HIS LAW is Just!  LIKE WE’RE SUPPOSED TO!

All praise this awesome God – He obviously has this whole thing figured out!  I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced – because not only do I not NEED evidence, you shouldn’t WANT any! That would take the fun faith out of it.

Log in to write a note

i believe in god!

I sniff glue! (Sorry. Felt like the above note needed an intellectual companion. :p)

May 31, 2004
May 31, 2004

*Cookies* to keep your strength up in the face of all the nonsense.

May 31, 2004

Personally, even if I hated someone, I’d take their money. I could use the cash. In fact, if a leprechaun riding a purple usicorn offered me money, I’d take it. But I still wouldn’t believe in leprechauns or purple unicorns.

May 31, 2004

I don’t believe that God wants to punish everyone, when people choose to live a life of sin instead of one without, they make the choice for themselves. God gave people free will. The angels only had a degree of free will, but humans have it fully. They can choose to turn from God if they want, and more times than not they do so knowing full well that they are turning from Him.

May 31, 2004

Wait, the judge killed himself…and pays some…guy…some money. And he’s dead. And. My pencil lead broke. I give up, I’m marking “C”. Yeah, I’m going with C on this one. This is worth those “two trains speeding towards each other, one at 60 mph and one at 45 mph” problems. Making me think on memorial day. You bastardy bastard. Garumph. 🙂

June 1, 2004

i don’t know if this is the right way about debunking their argument for the savior zombie god. the way i find most useful: Jesus by most accounts was a humble man. would a humble man declare that there was NO way to god but through me. ya, doesn’t sound to humble does it. so one or the other must have been a fabrication of man. ask your heart which is true?

June 1, 2004

for Jesus also declared that he was a son of god. however people clamed he was THE son of god. again, the humble man would say that we are all children of god. not that I am THE child of GOD. and JESUS said “this too, you shall do” and “be like me”. not the statements of a man that is not a man, but a humble man who found truth and happeness and love and tried to spread the good news.

June 1, 2004

but in defence of the (un)fun-dementalists. it is their single minded faith in the story of christ that has perpetuated the myth so as to pervide inspriration to read the worlds frist international bestseller. and so i came to hear bits and peaces of the words and works of this man jesus who became the christ. and by the words i grow in moral strength and compassion.

June 1, 2004

here is a parable for you. there once was a realy good farmer with a realy good feild. and in this feild he planted the best seeds. but in the night a foe came and sowed his weeds among the good seeds. and when the weeds started to come up. people looked at the weeds and think to themselves this farmer must suck look at all the weeds. but the farmer, seeing the weeds and seeds together…

June 1, 2004

…seeing the seeds and weeds together. thought for a while and desided that it would be best to just leave the weeds. for if you try to remove the weeds you would uproot the good seeds too. and by leaving the weeds you give the seeds the oppertunity to overcome the weeds and grow tall and strong so as to block the sun from reaching the lowly weeds and they die. thus is it with the bible.

June 1, 2004

again on the humilty thing. if Jesus is God then he must be humble. for it must take humility to creat all of existence then not sign your name.

June 1, 2004

but think of the consequences if Jesus was Proud. for it was the Pride of God, that allows saten to tempt god to tourcher poor Job. it is the same way that loving christians are forced to deal with the consequences of the other christins who are so full of pride that it becomes venom. (i love your diary) much love, kit

enjoyable, as always. i oft wonder how people can be so willing to reject every logical thought for superstition. after all, most of modern christianity is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.

I knew I could get you going,brake up your “boring life”. Thanks for the response,truly.