Satan Bad? God Good?

For an atheist to say "Muslim suicide bombing is wrong" is to invoke a sense of morality. It is to say there is a scale of right and wrong and that suicide bombing is at one end. If there is no absolute good, i.e. one end of the scale then there is no scale at all! Christians believe God is the absolute good, we believe he is all-good. You cannot have a sense of morality without an all-good! [A Theist]

So how did you get to this belief that God is all-good?

Do you believe that Satan is evil?

If you asked God and Satan who was good and who was evil, would they give you the same answers? Or opposite answers?

If they gave you opposite answers, how did you know that God was good and Satan was bad and not vice versa?

Was there some standard that you could compare the actions of each to? If you say, "yes, the standard that God wrote down"; well, what standard does Satan write down?

If there’s some innate sense of Good and Evil that we can recognize good and recognize evil independent of God or Satan, then of what use is knowing anything about God and Satan as far as morality is concerned?</font

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November 26, 2007

“If you asked God and Satan who was good and who was evil, would they give you the same answers? Or opposite answers?” Really interesting queston…cause people have different agendas are really believe that they are doing the best in human reality…but I would wonder if satan really thinks that he is “saving” humanity from God, hence him thinking that he is doing “good”

November 26, 2007

“…but I would wonder if satan really thinks that he is “saving” humanity from God, hence him thinking that he is doing “good” – Essence” That is interesting, but I’m not concerned w/ whether satan actually thinks he’s doing good, just what he would proclaim. Either he thinks he’s doing good, and says so. Or he knows he’s evil, in which case he’d lie and say he’s good.

November 28, 2007

The statement that suggests that no one can have morality without an “all good” reference point is just plain wrong. You may use your “all good” God at one end of the scale, but that doesn’t mean we all have to. What is stopping me from using the crime of murder as a datum point at the other end of the scale for instance, and making moral judgements based on that?

November 28, 2007

What’s more to the point, is that an atheist can make informed choices about what is morally right or wrong, based on experience. A Christian apparently has to accept that God is all good despite the fact that he has a history of wiping out entire cities when he gets angry. Indeed he apparently wiped out an entire population in Genesis.

November 28, 2007

There once was a man and wife. For unknown reasons the wife threw the husband out and taught the children how bad the husband is and that he (or she) is not to be trusted or listened to because they are evil. In rare moments the other parent got in a word or two leaving the child confused because that parent was just as good or bad as the other.

November 28, 2007

I hope you remember me. Or at least can help me. I don’t often get to a computer or even to town much. My problem is a religious ( ) that is sure homosexuality is wrong as are women who do things only a man should. I want the list of laws that show these religious ( ) pick and choose the laws they will follow in order to give them an excuse, or power over others. Need list

December 4, 2007

I think it’s a question of how we construct our value systems. Pointing to a book and saying, “It says here that…” is not valid. It’s circular. Moral attributes are not objective properties, and if someone wants to make the claim that they are, I hope he/she is ready to defend it with something more than an appeal to tradition, revelation, or ignorance.

December 20, 2007

Thank you for your response. I am so glad to have had you come and leave any note at all. I really enjoyed reading your entries when I had access to the computer.

December 23, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!

November 26, 2008

satan would lie and tempt you with riches, power and worldly pleasures. he would tell you there is no God also and you can make up your own rules. God would tell you the truth that He loves you and died to save you. I came to my christian belief because I saw the trappings of the world and realised Jesus is the light.

November 26, 2008

“satan would lie and tempt you with riches, power and worldly pleasures. he would tell you there is no God also and you can make up your own rules. God would tell you the truth that He loves you and died to save you. I came to my christian belief because I saw the trappings of the world and realised Jesus is the light.” – Christian Hope So… this doesn’t answer a single question that I asked. I’m curious what your answers are to all of them…