Response for Haredawg

Ugh, I had such a beautiful response all written up, and then firefox crashed… that’ll teach me.

Brief recap:


I wrote an entry where I argued that the argument:

"It is highly unlikely that something as big and as complex as the universe could just accidentally pop into existence (or always existed).
A rational person can believe "God" or something with the same skill-set has to be the reason for the universe to exist based on this argument."

My argument concluded:

"A being that could conceive of and create the universe with all of its size and complexity must be more complex than the universe itself.

However, it is even more unlikely that something even bigger and more complex than the universe just accidentally popped into existence (or always existed)."

And therefore the argument utterly fails.

haredawg then wrote an entry that covered a number of topics, but eventually got around to saying that he killed ants.

But not just that he killed ants, but that he killed them because he was grossed out by ants… and that perhaps "the act of god tragedies that befall us are because we gross god out…. Doesn’t mean god isn’t basically benevolent, just not so benevolent to gross things." 

Then, "Just because I can slaughter an entire colony of ants with a spray can… doesn’t mean I created the mailbox… Doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy either…I do hold the keys of mortality for them though I didn’t create their world, existence and have no clue as to any afterlife. I am a minimally adequate deity."

Also, "Again, I’m not advocating intelligent design, nor discarding it, I’m still a dyed in the wool tepid with the Holy Spirit agnostic. I’m just saying, or trying too in a roundabout way, both theists and atheists could be full of shit."

To which I wrote the following note:

I always get the feeling that you think that atheists and theists are making symmetric (if opposing) claims…

Beyond that, it appears as though you’re explaining why there is suffering and stuff…but I was under the impression that this was somewhat of a response to my entry – which didn’t mention anything like that.

I guess I’m confused as to which parts of this entry relate to mine. [A Thinking BUM]


A tad more verbosely; my entry was clear and concise. It dealt only with the argument from design. It had nothing to do with suffering, the problem of evil, whether I feel entitled to an existence or anything. It said as clearly as could be that the argument "wow this is complex, I bet it couldn’t come about just on its own… therefore it is most reasonable to assume that a GOD created it" FAILS.

How would arguing that "perhaps God gives us tragedies because he had some good reason… doesn’t mean that he’s bad necessarily" relate to this argument at all?

It doesn’t… as far as I can tell it only relates to the argument from evil.

So haredawg responds:

"You don’t get how the notion that there could both be a god and he/she/it not have been respondsible for creation pertains?"

No, I quite clearly understand how there could be a god and he could be not responsible for the creation. I just don’t see how that has anything to do with my entry.

"You believe it’s ME that sets up the notion that on OD atheists and theists are constantly on opposite sides of the dancehall?"

Is that what you think I asked? Really?

Read it again, "I always get the feeling that you think that atheists and theists are making symmetric (if opposing) claims…"

Symmetric claims was the key part of the sentence… the "if opposing" part was a parenthetical thought. Obviously, I’m opposing the theists…I’ve never denied that. But hell, a theist makes an argument like, "wow universe is complex, i bet something had to design it" — and my response is to say, "that argument fails". Those are not symmetric claims.

The theist is making a knowledge claim based on an argument.
I’m just analyzing the argument, I’m not making a knowledge claim.

Many of the comments that you make on my diary and even in your response entry makes it read like you think that my arguments go something like this:

"Bible believers think they’re right because it’s written in a book.

But I know they’re wrong, because I have science written down in MY book."

Which is a completely wrong way to read my arguments. The entry you just responded to, for example. I took an argument that I actually got the day that I wrote the entry from a theist, saying, "Look, something as big and complex as the universe couldn’t have popped out of nothing for no reason… and it couldn’t have just always existed… therefore I have a good reason to believe in a Creator."

The theist also wanted to make the addition claim that this Creator had to be bigger and more complex than the universe it created — but it was ok for this entity to have existed for all time.

This argument eats itself. There is nothing external that I have to claim — some special revelation, anything. Using the theist’s terms, claims, and arguing on his ground and admitting every premise that he wanted me to admit; I aimed to show that his argument fails.

How about another famous back’n’forth that we had… the time when I aimed to show that theists, if they’re being consistent with their standards of evidence for belief ought to believe in Spider gods, and fairies… specifically, "because you can’t prove that they DON’T exist" is a terrible reason for believing IN something.

My argument again is not from the standpoint, "I know there aren’t fairies. So …" ; but just asking theists to be consistent. If they reject Zeus, why? how? by what standard does Zeus fall, but Allah remains standing?

Your responses were "You’re setting up strawman arguments. No one believes in a Spider god." — which only echoed my point. There are millions of possible Gods that theists do not believe in.

"Are you serious? Did you not read my entry? Have you never read any of your own?"

I read your entire entry twice before I left a note on it.

"Do you need cliff notes or something? [haredawg]"

Ah contempt…I rarely get it in its pure form these days. If you’re going to bring it, you’d better be able to back it up.

"But to simplfy as you seemed to get confused (as per your note "… I’m confused …" the part about minimally adeqaute design (as in the title)…"

No I know, the title had so much promise…

"…pertained to your argument that the theist argument of design and occams razor rationale was invalid (hence the title The Universe Needs a Designer). It seemed self evident to me. I’m I really that opaque? Are you really that obtuse? Or did you just skim my entry for qoutes from your entry? [haredawg]"

"Honestly, and read closely here whoever is still here, to argue against theoretical fiction is the same side of the same coin as arguing for it."

See, again, here’s the bit about thinking theists and I are making the same sorts of claims.

"The argument itself is a supposition that something is valid enough to warrant argument."

I agree, it’s so clearly nonsense that having to argue it at all is ridiculous.

"It’s the height of thinking you know shit to presuppose that PhD in divinity is ignorant because you took all the one hundred philosophy classes and can quote famous atheists."

Damn, it’s a good thing that I don’t presuppose. I wrote on this diary for a LONG time asking questions to any and all about things like why they thought that they knew Jesus’ mom was a virgin and read a bunch of books before I was convinced that there did not exist good reasons to think that.

Of course, I’m always open to the idea that perhaps there does exist a good reason to think that Jesus came back from the dead.

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May 12, 2007

“I agree, it’s so clearly nonsense that having to argue it at all is ridiculous.” Why is it exactly that you have to argue it? Court order? Condition of Parole? You know there are a great many theists and atheists alike who don’t feel compelled to argue or even bring up theology with any great frequency.

May 12, 2007

Ummm, assuming that smartassholery (e.g. you need cliff notes) was in fact contempt in its purest form, how am I expected to back it up? Post a picture of you holding a copy of Haredawgs Diary; The Cliff Notes? I’m not prepared to do that, I’ll cede the point and recind the pure contempt, unless you’d like to confess to having a copy of said cliff notes and can I borrow it?

May 12, 2007

Your argument that I added the whole ant thing doesn’t pertain to your entry would work as well for an argument about jesus rising or not rising from the dead doesn’t pertain to mine, and yet I seem unwilling to question your liscence to add things you find interesting or compelling to your entries in your own diary.

May 12, 2007

What part of the ant analogy deals with whether the universe could come into existence on its own, whether it requires a designer, whether the designer of the universe need be more complex than the universe, or whether the least complex thing most likely popped into existence? By analogy or whatever you want. If not any part of those, which part of entry did it pertain to?

May 12, 2007

ryn; This part for one: There are three great institutions that operate on the same premise; God, Horse Races and Sales. In Sales you donÂ’t need to beat the other guy by a hundred percent to get the sale, if cost is the issue 1 percent will do it. In a horse race you donÂ’t need to beat the other horse by a lap, a noseÂ’ll do it. In the deity game, you donÂ’t have to be omniscient, omnibenevelolent

May 12, 2007

omnipotent; you just have to be smarter, nicer and more potent than the other guys.

May 12, 2007

I never mention omnipotence in my entry. The only god talked about is a god that is more complex than the universe it supposedly creates. So no, if you think that saying a “lesser” god might do the trick is somehow addressing my argument, you’re wrong.

May 12, 2007

So it’s your argument that god is more complex than the universe it supposedly creates? I thought it was your supposition from the argument of the theoretical theist you had created for the arguments sake. I was just proposing an alternative. Is that not allowed? Your rules seem to float. Do you believe any creation of the universe where the force was greater than the creation?

May 12, 2007

Or is the notion of greater than/lesser than a non issue for you? If its a non issue for you what makes you think it’s an issue for a hypothetical theist? If it is an issue perhaps you’ve got a bit of a projection going on? I mean you’re clinging pretty dang tight to that notion of more complex/less complex, so much so that you refuse to believe an alternate pertains.

May 12, 2007

How, as this entry states, could my title have such promise, I pretty much made the statement the title suggested in toto, and yet, because it suggests god wasn’t more complex it doesn’t pertain. What promise did it have then? How would minimally adequate ever pertain to the narrowing of your definition of pertinance?

May 12, 2007

Have you considered my entry on the subject of God’s parents disapproving of his tinkering with the Universe and telling Him that the neighbors had complained that they were awakened late at night when they heard a Big Bang coming from where God had recently been seen creating some weird set of stars and planets.

May 13, 2007

“So it’s your argument that god is more complex than the universe it supposedly creates?” You’re hopeless. Talk about who needs a cliff’s notes version… Direct quote from my entry:

May 13, 2007

“…argue that something less complex/big as the universe can just pop into existence, and design the universe. Fine, be explicit and state it like this and I’ll be satisfied with this out: “The God that created the universe is not as big or as complicated and complex as his creation. The universe is of a higher order of complexity than the God I think exists.””

May 13, 2007

Yip, s’what I said.

May 13, 2007

Now what about slavery, hebrews and pharoah?

May 13, 2007

What about them? The exodus account seems to say that God took the Jews out because they were groaning, and because God had previously made a promise to them. Not anything to do with the inherent evilness of slavery.

May 13, 2007

Specifically, Exodus 2:23-4 “And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage…and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham…”

May 13, 2007

That’s lame. I’m done. You ask a silly question get a straight answer and then say it’s jsut cause the jews were crying. Like any theist you interpet the bible however you want.

May 14, 2007

“Like any theist you interpet the bible however you want.” According to the Bible, the Jews were slaves for quite a while. Only when they “groaned” and God heard that, and remembered His covenant did He decided to lead his people out of slavery. Do you have a specific verse in mind that elaborates on God’s reasons for freeing the Jews, and only the Jews from bondage?

May 14, 2007

If you want to try to argue that God freed the Jews from the Egyptians because He didn’t like slavery in general, good luck. After the Jews are free there’s plenty of God-approved enslaving. Just look at Leviticus 25:46: And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession, they shall be your bond-man forever.

May 14, 2007

Perhaps you should have the good sense and common courtesy to read the entry you post notes on. Wildly inappropriate. That and You left the basic same set of notes twice on two different entries. For all you know it was about burying my child.

May 14, 2007 <— Just in case your losing your mind and not just ill mannered.

June 2, 2007

I have loved your diary since I started reading it a few years ago (I was under a different name then). I used to argue with the theists as well, I gave up because they are so blinded by their “faith” that they refuse to see logic in anything we say. Kudos to you for keeping it up. I look forward to reading you more often!