Questions for ~Ivy~

 Just remember I’m a little bit different than other Christians, the foundation of my faith isn’t based on the Bible, but instead on Jesus & experiences.

1. Not on the Bible, but on Jesus… Where do you get your knowledge of Jesus?

2. & experiences… What experiences could be a foundation of faith?

3. Do you think a person has to accept Jesus as his savior to be saved from an otherwise inevitable hellfire?

4. Where do you think that people like the native americans went after they died between the years 35 AD and 1400 AD?

5. If they had the chance at getting to heaven, is there a way of getting to heaven without believing that Jesus died and rose from the dead?

6. If they were condemned for not accepting Jesus – whom they had no chance of knowing because God didn’t make his presence known – would you condemn God?

It’s like God came into a room of 10,000 people, and stood in the corner and whispered “if you say ‘abracadabra’ then you won’t get your hand chopped off as we enter the next room”. And then everyone is driven from the room, and sure enough only those who said the magic words are spared. You can say, “people didn’t spread the word fast enough” but that kind of overlooks the fact that God had access to a PA system but decided to whisper the “important” message instead.

7. If there is another way to heaven, why do I need Jesus to get to heaven?

8. Why do you think that God would choose to reveal his message through a book written in a language that most people can’t understand? If you had infinite intelligence and ability would you choose to release all important information in the same way?

9. How does a person come to believe that God is good?
If you read the Bible, and read the alleged actions of the deity, He supposedly drowns the entire earth at one point, kills the first borns another point… Surely you don’t look at His actions and THEN decide that He is Good.
You believe BASED ON NOTHING that God is Good – and then say, his actions whatever they are (commanding a man to kill his son for a sacrifice for example) are the example of an Good Being. God is good, God did action X – for God to have done action X, then this particular action was Good.

Believing that God is ALL-Good is another leap. How would you determine that? Take His word for it? Because He doesn’t lie? How do you know that?

Are you going to say that “God doesn’t lie because he’s always good – we know he’s always good because he tells he is AND he doesn’t lie!”

Now I say that you believe that God is Good “based on nothing” for another reason – you either have to have a conception of what “good” is so that you can compare God to it to see if He does, in fact, fit. (If you do, please let me know).
If you say that God is your conception of what “good” is – it no longer means anything when you apply it to God. You are effectively saying, “God is God-like”.

10. Why is your diary set to “Favorites Only”? I can’t read any of your entries…

Log in to write a note

God is there for you my friend else you wouldnt be so fervently trying to mark him as anything. Come see me and read my things. I’m writing for you right now.

Sorry about that. I made sure you are on my favs again. I’m wondering if I should answer the questions publically or privately. Would you mind if I answered them privately, since they are kind of personal? If you would rather copy/paste my answers in your diary, I can go for sweet & simple. Just let me know.

June 8, 2004

“I made sure you are on my favs again.” I’m not there just yet…so I’ll answer here. Take as much space as you’d like and answer privately if you’d like. You can e-mail me ( if you want.

To truly appreciate the joys you must have pain. Boredom is not happiness. If not for pain you would grow spoiled from the things you get. You have to learn to rely on God, no matter how much pride and independence you have.

Poor spelling has nothing to do with IQ and apparently it has nothing to do with maturity or respect.Yes I am twice your age but respect anyones views,beliefs or absence of beliefs regardless of age.I truly would like to converse with you on a civil level and possibly glean some wisdom in the process…Peace

How odd, my favorites list has you on there. I’ll answer your questions soon.

You are seeing through the eyes of your mind and your heart. There is a great void in you and you are trying to fill that void in with question and answers that only God can give you. You must see through faith , faith in his word.

. I have another 70 years to live in this world. Well 70 odd, if in another few years I donÂ’t see my life going anywhere perhaps I will give up on the Christian faith, but I will have given up knowing that it was in perfection not for me. But I doubt that will happen. I feel light now, because the truth matters.

The flood was by god because god says so in the book of genesis. The bible is the word God breathed into the wired brains of his prophets. You have to take a chance with someone. You canÂ’t only trust yourself in this world youÂ’ll get nowhere with the knowledge and ever recurring questions you have.

Do you know when you sit at the computer you are frustrated. What are you frustrated about, the fact that the computer is slow, that the computer doesnÂ’t process fast enough

that everything goes bonkers time to time and you wish you could dash it on the floor. What do you do, well you go to the person who can fix it , its creator and that creator for us in the tragedies of life is God. Sometimes you canÂ’t understand why the computer doesnÂ’t work. For that you need the technicians. My computer is 40 Kbps , I think that is the problem why the computer is so slow.

Sometimes everything feels wrong for you in life. It seems wrong, a bird is building a nest in the crotch of my fan, my ceiling fan and it is so beautiful the origins of life in that nest. The baby birds chirping, it breaks our hearts to take down the nest, it really does , the bird is a beauty and IÂ’m sure weÂ’ll enjoy its company in our house. But it says in the book of psalms by king David

“ And he feeds the ravens, what is the strength of a horse to God and how puny must be the strength of man”.

June 10, 2004

good questions

I surmise that the idea of praising the weak stemmed from after the time Christ was to have lived leading up to the Renaissance. It would make it much easier to swallow the idea of being a serf if you had the peace of mind knowing you would be nobility in heaven. I don’t know, just a thought I ran into yesterday.

sorry, forgot to sign in, that was my note . . .

You have proven yourself to be a well read individual. I would be grateful if you could suggest to me a few books worth reading (just to get started, I might ask for more later).

June 11, 2004

DOn’t answear this in my diary because I’ll bean you but please IM me ASAP ramdom thought of the day! What would happen if someone got diarhea in the middle of a 69!? What if an anemic hot HIV/AIDS!? What would happen if I got more sleep at night and wasn’t sick!? I wonder if that would make my brain less random . . .message me ASAP

re:what is death but the achievement of a freedom which is beyond reason?

Answered your questions.

June 15, 2004

“Answered your questions.” Where?

June 21, 2004

ooh another question hotmail ain’t working for me like I can recieve but the link to compose doesn’t work for me uggh I’m so random please shoot me so I don’t have to suffer my own brain.

June 21, 2004

yeah e-mail me my brain don’t work, it’s (excuse the political incorrectness I just thought it was funny, however not trying ot be offensive and hope you don’t find it as such!)