Moral Test.

Just to get this down…

It’s impossible that the most morally courageous act that I can commit is to allow an innocent to suffer in my place for righteous punishment that I deserve.

Unquestioning obedience is not a higher moral act than accepting personal responsibility — it takes no consideration, no moral courage.
In fact, one of the best moral tests that I can construct would be to see if a person allows an innocent to suffer in his place for punishment that he knows that he deserves.

And it would be an even better moral test if he believed that he was commanded to allow an innocent to suffer in his place.

And it would be still better if he was additionally tempted by the belief that he would be greatly rewarded for obeying the command and allowing the innocent to suffer in his place.

And it would be the best if he believed that he would be calling down an insufferable and eternal punishment on his own head, in insubordinately defying the order, in rejecting an eternity of reward, and rejecting the willing innocent’s offer to suffer in his place.

Because a man who passed the test would have made a moral choice in the face of a difficult outcome.

I think I can clean this up a bit to make a compelling case.

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February 24, 2008

willing innocent?

February 25, 2008

“willing innocent” it’s not quite a noun, i know… This entry is meant to be directed at the morality of Christianity; and I’m addressing Jesus as a claimed “willing and innocent/pure sacrifice”.

February 25, 2008


February 25, 2008

And the commander is a voice in his head he can’t even be sure was actually real. LoL Good points, I say run with it. 😉

March 8, 2008

Hello BUM. It’s good to see you again too.

March 8, 2008

…and to the question that seemed to astonish you so, 44% of the population feel adultery is morally acceptable so long as they’re “in love” with the person and not “in love” with their spouse. Because hey, you can’t help who you love right? And how could being with someone you love EVER be morally reprehensible???

March 17, 2008

1.) Yes. 2.) No. 3.) The bible does not advocate nor condemn the idea of slavery. While there is much scripture providing advice to both slave and master, it never says slavery is moral. The bible is a bit quiet on the slavery issue as it pertains to our secular social understanding.

March 17, 2008

The reason is this- the bible was intended to instruct christians. The bible teaches us that being a christian actually automatically makes you a slave. You are expected to put all others before yourself, whether they claim you as property or not. I could never feel moral “owning” people or watching others “own” slaves. But if I were a “slave” I could never feel moral unless I served faithfully…

March 17, 2008

Jesus came to be a servent. He washed people’s feet. Whether I can be “bought” or not- no man owns me. I will obey God over any person. But I would serve because I choose to. Because this world would be a better place if everyone would willingly serve someone else

March 17, 2008

Therefore, for me, slavery is immoral. I couldn’t own slaves. But not serving faithfully, that’s just as much a sin because I relinquished my rights when I acknowledged Christ as God.

He doesn’t. And those aren’t secular commandments, but commandments stolen by a society who wish to have peace, morality, and civility without acknowledging a higher power. The two greatest commandments are the summation of every bit of morality that has ever existed and ever will exist. “The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” Matt22:40

So what does this verse mean? It means for those who are living by the two most important commandments faithfully are in fact living by all the other commandments you listed. For if a man loves others as himself,would he murder him? Or steal from him? Or lie about him? And if a man loved God with all his heart, would he put anything else before Him? [RYAN WEDNESDAY]

March 31, 2008

RYN: I know but the thought of someone repeatedly letting themselves get stung was just endlessly amusing to me and spoke volumes about the xian religion. I couldn’t refrain.

April 1, 2008

“But using common sense is against his nature, too.” And it is obviously against your nature to speak to someone directly. This speaks alot about your character.

April 2, 2008

You don’t upset me BUM. You’ve instituted far more personal attacks against me and others like myself before. I merely am showing you that I won’t back down either.