Minister Dies From Snakebite During Easter Service

ROSE HILL, Va. — The minister of a church in far southwest Virginia has died after being bitten by a snake during church services.

Authorities say the Reverend Dwayne Long of Rose Hill was bitten by a rattlesnake Sunday afternoon and refused to seek medical treatment. He died early Monday at his home.

Lee County Sheriff Gary Parsons says Long was a minister at a Pentecostal church where members practice serpent-handling.

Parsons says Long was holding a rattlesnake during an Easter service when the snake bit him on the back of a finger. He says the congregation prayed for the minister, but no one — including Long — sought medical treatment.

The sheriff says he doubts any charges will be filed, because, in his words, “it’s their belief.”

Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press.

God: This is God speaking. Consider this a sign: You are doing something wrong.

Darwin: See, natural selection is working.

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this is me speaking: i dont know what God says. perhaps, though, something more along the lines of “i appreciate your faith, but lets not be silly, i gave you doctors for a reason”. on the other hand, it could be a sign. :0)

April 14, 2004

That’s almost as funny as the article AUUB posted about someone’s church burning down after it was struck by lightning. Take the hint people!!! Later,

LMAO nice

April 14, 2004

There’s a true sign from God if I’ve ever seen one…

Stupid people think differently. Some are atheists, some are Christians. They shouldn’t have had a snake in the church in the first place…snakes are of the devil!

April 14, 2004

Snake handlers are a strange bunch. I thought that we humans weren’t supposed to test God… *shrug* This is right up there with the story of the guy who was so obsessed with golfing that he refused to quit playing even in lightening storms. When people told him it was dangerous, he just said “God loves me and wouldn’t throw darts at me.” He was struck by lightening a week later. 🙂

April 14, 2004

Reminds me of the story of the man sitting on top of the roof in a flood. He asked God to save him. A log came by and he let it go. A huge dog swam by and tried to pull him along. A rowboat came by and he turned it away waiting to be saved by God. The river got deeper and he died. Seeing God he asked why he hadn’t saved him. “I sent to you 3 times and you refused.”

“I sent to you 3 times and you refused.” – well said. hes always there.

u said DONT DO IT! but then u gave me links… *hmmm*

“One of the great difficulties is to keep before the audience’s mind the question of Truth. They always think you are recommending Christianity not because it is true but because it is good….You have to keep forcing them back, and again back, to the real point.” – C.S. Lewis

the bible even says snakes bite us in it geesh people interpretation