Koran “needs” flushed, Pastor needs LOGIC course.

In a news story (http://www.thedigitalcourier.com/articles/2005/05/24/news/news01.txt) about a church that posted a sign that reads: The Koran Needs to be Flushed.

this was said:

"Well, I thought about it and I said there may be people who are offended by it but the way I look at it, Jesus told his followers that if the world hates you, don’t feel bad because they hated me first," said Lovelace. "If we stand for what is right and for God’s word and for Christianity then the world is going to condemn us and so right away when I got a complaint I said ‘well somebody’s mad, somebody’s offended, so we must be doing something right.’"

Logic people…logic.  That does not follow.  Lovelace,  you are affirming the consequent, you idiot.

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May 24, 2005

“This is the sort of attitude and action that seriously endangers the liberty which lies at the heart of our democracy. It is also a good reminder that just because one may have the legal right to say something, doing so may not be morally, socially or politically desirable.” I was going to say something, but after reading the article I think this quote says it better.

May 24, 2005

I don’t think this is the best way to go about opposing Islam and yes his logic is a tad off. However, I don’t have a problem per se with the sign.

May 24, 2005

I read the article as well, I thought the professor’s comments were a tad over the top. Furthermore, the suggestion from the Muslim woman that this sort of sign not be allowed is an outrage. Political and religious free speech must be protected no matter how offensive she may find it. If we can burn flags then we can flush korans or any other book.

Does this surprise you?

May 24, 2005

The Congress has made many attempts to make flag burning a crime as well..

May 24, 2005

I’m guessing logic isn’t his strong suit. Meh, there’s not much you can do about those sort of people. He has the right to think and say whatever he wants … and I have the right to call him a f$%king moron for doing it.

May 24, 2005

Being a Christian, I can understand the pastor’s reasoning behind what he’s saying, but I totally disagree with putting that sign up…he’s definately going about things the wrong way…stirring up controversy and attacking other religions like that will not reach anyone

May 25, 2005

So if I do something, and people get mad about it, that means its a good thing to do? Well hell! I’m going to start making alist of things to do right now!

May 28, 2005

How would this jackoff feel if we flushed the bible down the toilet? Would it make our actions right if he was offended?? Later,